See also Ancient China

China & Tibet Web Sites

The Office of Tibet
The Office of Tibet, in London, is an official agency of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Established in 1981, its main functions are to create a better understanding of the situation in Tibet and to draw the attention of world public opinion to the plight of the Tibetan people and the functioning of the exiled Tibetan government.

Dreams of Tibet
This FRONTLINE companion site examines Hollywood efforts on behalf of the Dalai Lama and provides a useful overview of Tibetan history.

Amnesty International: China Report 2005
The Amnesty report summarizes: “There was progress towards reform in some areas, but this failed to have a significant impact on serious and widespread human rights violations perpetrated across the country.”

Students for a Free TibetĀ 404
Students for a Free Tibet promotes education, grassroots organizing, and non-violent direct action to campaign for Tibetans’ fundamental right to political freedom.

Competing National Stories in Tibet (teaching unit)
Many excellent teaching resources listed.

The Tibet Question (WebQuest)
A WebQuest Activity: “An international news agency is doing a special on ‘The Tibet Question’. They will be interviewing members of the Tibetan groups, the Chinese and US government officials, representatives of human rights organizations and Chinese scholars. You will be assigned to one of these groups in preparation for this news special.”

What’s Next for China and the US? (lesson plan)
In this SCORE activity students research China and advise President Bush on foreign relations.

U.S. – Tibet Relations (lesson plan)
From CNN Student News. Based on a 2001 interview of Dalai Lama.

Lesson Plan: Human Rights Violations
In this CNN lesson plan from 2000, students examine and evaluate the state of human rights in China and the United States.