Judaism Web Sites

Heritage: Civilization and the Jews(PBS) A great general site featuring an interactive timeline, primary sources, lesson plans, teacher sources, images, and more

Jewish History Sourcebook (Fordham U.) The Internet History Sourcebooks by Paul Halsall are wonderful collections of public-domain and copyright-permitted historical texts for educational use.

Judaism and Jewish Resources Is a good starting point for Jewish resources on the Net

Ancient Hebrews: A Virtual Museum Ancient Hebrews: A Virtual Museum explores the land, the people and leaders, and the beliefs of the ancient Hebrews

Canaan & Ancient Israel This exhibit explores the identities of these peoples in pre-historical times through the material remains that they have left behind.

Messiah This site was written and is maintained by Jona Lendering, professor of Mediterranean archaeology and history at Amsterdam Free University, The Netherlands. It is a scholarly but readable discussion of the concept of messiah in Jewish history.

Internet Resources for the Study of Judaism and Christianity A well organized lists of several sites on the Internet useful for the study of Judaism and Christianity

Jewish Virtual Library The American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise (AICE), a nonprofit organization designed to strengthen the U.S.-Israel relationship, produces this site which features the “Virtual Israel Experience”

Jerusalem 3000: Three Millenia of History (U. Southern Maine) Provides an interesting tour of Jerusalem through the ages

Global Connections: Putting World Events in Context Global Connections provides the background information needed to understand events occurring in the Middle East. The site includes original materials created in conjunction with the Centers for Middle Eastern Studies at Harvard and UCLA. The site also aggregates and contextualizes the rich resources available throughout public broadcasting, including material from Frontline, Online NewsHour, NOW with Bill Moyers, Morning Edition, Talk of the Nation, and many others. Designed with educators in mind, the site is also useful for those curious to better understand the Middle East and its relationship with the West.

Lesson Plans, Teacher Guides, Activities and more

The Torah Tells This lesson was developed to show students about how the Bible is used as an archaeological resource to supplement the artifacts and other writings that have been found in the Near East. The quotes were selected by Biblical scholars at Hebrew Union College.

The Israel Geography Game The Israel Geography Game – This Flash game will help you learn about the history and geography of 101 locations in Israel.

Mapping the Middle East In this PBS lesson plan students will learn how the countries of the Middle East were created. They will understand the influence of various political and geographic factors in their creation. Grades 9 -12.

Canaan & Ancient Israel: Activities Activities for children (ages 8-12) to do at home or in the classroom. These can be used in preparation for the museum gallery visit, after a visit, or even just for fun. Activities labeled “visit activity” are best done during a gallery visit. The activities are divided along the themes of the exhibit.

Course Models: The Ancient Hebrews and Greeks Part of the California History-Social Science content standards and annotated course, this site includes background information, focus questions, pupil activities and handouts, an assessment, and references to books, articles, web sites, literature, audio-video programs, and an historic site. Grade 6.

Unmasking the Middle East: Examining the Political, Religious and Ethnic Relationships Among Middle Eastern Countries In this New York Times lesson, students explore many of the countries in the Middle East, developing research-based posters and a “spider web” illustrating the relationships among the countries. They then write letters to fictional peers in Middle Eastern countries.(April 16, 2003)

Peace Signs: Exploring the ‘Roller Coaster Ride’ of the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process In this New York Times lesson, students review their prior knowledge about the peace process in Israel and examine recent steps towards peace. They then research key figures, events and policies since Israel’s statehood in 1948 and determine how they impacted the peace process, illustrating their effects as if the process were a roller coaster. Finally, students reflect on how the proposed road map for peace might change the path of the roller coaster they created.(May 7, 2003)

Brief Review in Global History and Geography: Document Based Essays and Practice Tests PH@School’s Brief Review in Global History and Geography Web site provides multiple-choice questions from actual Regents exams. You can also practice your test-taking skills on document-based essay questions (DBQs), with the option of e-mailing answers directly to your teacher for review.