Who defeated Persian Empire ?


Jul 10, 2023
Who defeated Persian Empire?

Do you know who was responsible for the downfall of the Persian Empire? Throughout history, the Persian Empire has been one of the most powerful empires in the world.


New Member
Jul 18, 2023

The Persian Empire was one of the most powerful empires in the ancient world. It was founded by Cyrus the Great in the 6th century BC and lasted until the 4th century BC. The Persian Empire was a major force in the ancient world, and its influence extended to parts of Europe, Africa, and Asia. Despite its size and power, the Persian Empire eventually fell to a series of invasions and conquests. In this article, we will look at who defeated the Persian Empire and the events that led to its downfall.

The Greek Invasion of the Persian Empire

The first major invasion of the Persian Empire came from the Greeks. The Greco-Persian Wars began in 499 BC when the Ionian Greeks, who were under Persian rule, revolted against their rulers. The revolt was led by the Athenians, who had been promised assistance by the Spartans. The Greeks were successful in their revolt and they were able to push the Persians out of Ionia.

The success of the Ionian revolt encouraged the Greeks to launch a full-scale invasion of the Persian Empire. The invasion, which is now known as the First Persian Invasion of Greece, was led by the Spartan King Leonidas. Leonidas and his small force of 300 Spartans were able to hold off the Persian army at the Battle of Thermopylae. However, they were eventually defeated and the Persian army was able to march on to Athens. The Athenians were able to hold off the Persians at the Battle of Marathon, but the Persians were eventually successful in their invasion of Greece.

The Second Persian Invasion of Greece

The Second Persian Invasion of Greece began in 480 BC. This time, the Persian army was led by King Xerxes and was much larger than the first invasion. The Greeks were able to hold off the Persians at the Battle of Thermopylae, but they were eventually defeated at the Battle of Plataea. The Greeks were able to push the Persians out of Greece and the Persian Empire was forced to retreat.

The Final Defeat of the Persian Empire

The final defeat of the Persian Empire came at the hands of Alexander the Great. Alexander was a Macedonian king who had been tutored by the famous philosopher Aristotle. He had been planning to invade the Persian Empire for some time and in 334 BC, he launched his invasion. Alexander was able to march through the Persian Empire, defeating the Persian army at the Battle of Gaugamela. He was eventually able to capture the Persian capital of Persepolis and the Persian Empire was forced to surrender. Alexander's victory marked the end of the Persian Empire and ushered in a new era of Greek domination.


The Persian Empire was one of the most powerful empires in the ancient world, but it was eventually defeated by a series of invasions and conquests. The first major invasion came from the Greeks, who were successful in their revolt against the Persians. The Second Persian Invasion of Greece was also defeated by the Greeks. Finally, the Persian Empire was defeated by Alexander the Great, who was able to capture the Persian capital of Persepolis and bring an end to the Persian Empire.

Keywords: Persian Empire, Greek Invasion, Greco-Persian Wars, Ionian Greeks, First Persian Invasion of Greece, Spartan King Leonidas, Battle of Thermopylae, Battle of Marathon, Second Persian Invasion of Greece, Battle of Plataea, Alexander the Great, Battle of Gaugamela, Persian capital of Persepolis.

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