What if Germany won ww1 ?


Jul 9, 2023
What if Germany won WWI?

The First World War was a conflict that changed the course of history. But what if the outcome had been different? What if Germany had emerged victorious instead of the Allies? How would the world look today if Germany had won WWI?

Join the discussion on this fascinating topic and share your thoughts. What would have been the consequences of a German victory? What would have been the political, economic, and social implications? How would the world have changed if the Central Powers had emerged victorious?

We invite you to weigh in with your ideas and opinions. Let's explore the possibilities of an alternate history together.


Jul 10, 2023

The question of what would have happened if Germany had won World War I has been asked by historians and laymen alike. It is a question that has been debated for decades and has been the subject of much speculation. It is impossible to know for certain what would have happened if Germany had won the war, but there are some possibilities that can be considered.

Possible Outcomes

One possible outcome is that Germany would have been able to expand its borders and become a major power in Europe. Germany would have had access to more resources and would have been able to develop its economy and military capabilities. This could have resulted in a more powerful Germany that was able to challenge the existing European powers.

Another possibility is that Germany would have become a dominant political force in Europe. Germany would have been able to impose its will on the other European nations and could have become a major player in international politics. This could have resulted in a more unified Europe with Germany at its center.

A third possibility is that Germany would have been able to dominate the world economy. Germany would have had access to more resources and would have been able to create a powerful and influential economy. This could have resulted in a world economy that was dominated by Germany.


It is impossible to know for certain what would have happened if Germany had won World War I. However, it is possible to speculate on some of the possible outcomes. These include Germany becoming a major power in Europe, dominating the political landscape in Europe, and dominating the world economy. Each of these outcomes would have had a profound effect on the world and would have changed the course of history.


New Member
Jul 18, 2023
If Germany had won World War I, it would have had a major impact on the world. The Treaty of Versailles would have been replaced with a treaty more favorable to Germany, and the German Empire would have been the dominant power in Europe. Germany would have been able to keep its colonies, and its economic and military power would have been much greater. This would have had a ripple effect throughout the world, as other countries would have had to adjust to a new balance of power. Ultimately, it is impossible to know what would have happened, but it is clear that the world would have been a very different place.