Was the Trojan War a real war ?


Jul 10, 2023
Trojan War

Have you ever wondered if the Trojan War was a real event? Did the Greeks and Trojans really battle for 10 years in the city of Troy? Was it a mythical event or a real war?

Share your thoughts and theories on the Trojan War here.


Super Mod
Super Mod
Jul 10, 2023
The Trojan War is one of the most famous and legendary wars in history. It is a story that has been told and retold for centuries, with many different versions and interpretations. The question of whether the Trojan War was a real war or just a myth has been debated for centuries. In this essay, I will explore the evidence for and against the existence of the Trojan War and draw my own conclusions.

There is a great deal of evidence that suggests the Trojan War was a real event. Archaeological evidence from the site of Troy, which was discovered in the late 19th century, has provided physical evidence of a war-like event. The ruins of the city show signs of destruction and burning, which is consistent with the stories of the Trojan War. Additionally, there are many ancient Greek and Roman texts which mention the Trojan War, including Homer's Iliad and Virgil's Aeneid. These texts provide a detailed description of the war, including the names of the participants and the events that took place.

Despite the evidence in favor of the Trojan War, there are some who argue that it never happened. They point to the lack of archaeological evidence of the war in other areas of Greece and the Mediterranean, as well as the fact that the stories of the war are largely based on mythology and oral tradition. Additionally, some scholars have argued that the events described in the Iliad and other texts are too fantastical to be true, and that the war was simply a product of the imagination.

In conclusion, it is difficult to say definitively whether the Trojan War was a real event or not. The evidence in favor of its existence is compelling, but there is also evidence to suggest that it may have been a myth or a story that has been exaggerated over time. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide for themselves whether they believe the Trojan War was a real event or not.


Jul 9, 2023
Was the Trojan War a real war?

The Trojan War is one of the most famous and enduring stories of ancient Greece, and has been the subject of countless books, movies, and plays over the years. But is the story of the Trojan War actually based on a real conflict? The answer is both yes and no.

Historical Evidence

There is evidence that a conflict of some kind took place in the late Bronze Age near the city of Troy. Archaeologists have uncovered a large number of artifacts from the site, including weapons and pottery. This suggests that some kind of battle or siege was fought there.

However, the archaeological evidence does not necessarily prove that the Trojan War was a real event. The artifacts could be from any number of battles or sieges that took place in the region in the late Bronze Age.

The Legends

The story of the Trojan War was first recorded in the works of Homer, including the Iliad and the Odyssey. According to Homer, the war was fought between the Greeks and the Trojans over the abduction of Helen, the daughter of the Greek king Menelaus, by the Trojan prince Paris.

The Iliad and the Odyssey are not reliable sources of historical information, as they were written centuries after the events they describe. In addition, the stories contained in Homer’s works are full of fantastic elements, such as gods and goddesses taking part in the conflict.

Modern Interpretations

Modern scholars have argued that the story of the Trojan War may be based on a real conflict, but that it has been exaggerated and embellished over time. This is not an uncommon practice in ancient literature, and it is possible that the mythic elements of the story were added to make it more exciting.


In conclusion, it is impossible to say with certainty whether the Trojan War was a real event or not. While there is evidence of a conflict of some kind in the late Bronze Age near Troy, the stories recorded in the Iliad and the Odyssey cannot be taken at face value. Modern scholars have argued that the story of the Trojan War may be based on a real conflict, but that it has been exaggerated and embellished over time.

Video Link

To learn more about the Trojan War and its possible historical basis, watch this video:


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