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  1. Alexander

    what foods are high in acetyl l carnitine ?

    What foods are high in Acetyl-L-carnitine? Meat, poultry, fish, and dairy products are the richest sources of L-carnitine, while fruit, vegetables, and grains contain relatively little L-carnitine.
  2. Alexander

    what does achillean mean in greek ?

    What does achillean mean in Greek? Definition of 'Achillean' 1. relating to or characteristic of the Greek hero Achilles or his exploits.Sep 2, 2024
  3. Alexander

    what are the examples of achieve ?

    What are the examples of achieve? He had finally achieved success.They have both achieved great results.She has worked hard to achieve her achieve an objective/aim.They could not achieve their target of less than 3% inflation.The firm has achieved the status of undisputed market...
  4. Alexander

    is an accountant a good career ?

    Is an accountant a good career? Remember, Every Business Needs Accounting Accounting is an excellent career choice for anyone looking to chart their own course and take control of their career. With so many paths, specializations, and industries to choose from, there really is something for...
  5. Alexander

    how do you use senescent in a simple sentence ?

    How do you use senescent in a simple sentence? Example Sentences Others may turn a cell cancerous or senescent, leaking toxic chemicals and endangering nearby cells. The gardener slammed the door of the senescent truck with vehement lack of affection. Has it not sometimes occurred to you that it...
  6. Alexander

    did i use the word exacerbate correctly ?

    Did I use the word exacerbate correctly? “Exacerbate”: Quick Summary. Exasperate is a verb that means “to irritate, frustrate, or annoy,” whereas exacerbate means to “make something worse.” He likes to exasperate me by asking silly questions. I warned her she would exacerbate her sadness if she...
  7. Alexander

    why is it called a crash and not an accident ?

    Why is it called a crash and not an accident? The first recorded use of the word “crash” instead of “accident” in reference to automobiles dates back as far as the early 1900s when the first automobiles were large and cumbersome. Back then, American drivers did not think that a collision was...
  8. Alexander

    what was the acacian schism orthodox ?

    What was the Acacian schism Orthodox? The Acacian Schism was short break in communion between the Churches of Constantinople and Rome during the late fifth and early sixth centuries, caused by the publication of the Henoticon, an attempt by Emperor Zeno of the Eastern Roman Empire to force a...
  9. Alexander

    what is the slang for 4 people ?

    What is the slang for 4 people? A group of four people is known as a foursome. You can call it just a 'four' or a foursome, or in music, a quartet. A group of four people can be called a "quartet" or a "foursome." Both of these terms refer to a group of four individuals who are working together...
  10. Alexander

    what is the meaning of the word accomplice ?

    What is the meaning of the word accomplice? An accomplice is defined as a person who knowingly, voluntarily, or intentionally gives assistance to another in (or in some cases fails to prevent another from) the commission of a crime. An accomplice is criminally liable to the same extent as the...
  11. Alexander

    what is the literal meaning of the word psoriasis ?

    What is the literal meaning of the word psoriasis? The word "psoriasis" is from Greek ψωρίασις, meaning "itching condition" or "being itchy" from psora, "itch", and -iasis, "action, condition".
  12. Alexander

    what is the composition of shoshonite ?

    What is the composition of shoshonite? Shoshonite is a type of igneous rock. More specifically, it is a potassium-rich variety of basaltic trachyandesite, composed of olivine, augite and plagioclase phenocrysts in a groundmass with calcic plagioclase and sanidine and some dark-colored volcanic...
  13. Alexander

    what is being academic ?

    What is being academic? adjective. Academic is used to describe work, or a school, college, or university, that places emphasis on studying and reasoning rather than on practical or technical skills. The author has settled for a more academic approach. Synonyms: scholarly, learned, intellectual...
  14. Alexander

    what is an abrupt remark ?

    What is an abrupt remark? An interjection is an abrupt remark, usually made as an aside or interruption. Some examples are: wow, aha, oh my!, and hurray!Oct 12, 2016
  15. Alexander

    what is a synonym for the word accentually ?

    What is a synonym for the word accentually? emphasize highlight point up underline underscore. Strong matches. accent feature spotlight stress.
  16. Alexander

    what does upper deck mean ?

    What does "upper deck" mean? noun. 1. : the topmost full-length deck of a ship : a full-length deck above the main deck. 2. : a partial deck above the main deck in a naval vessel.
  17. Alexander

    what does ibra kadabra mean ?

    What does Ibra Kadabra mean? 'Abra' is the Aramaic equivalent of the Hebrew 'avra,' meaning, 'I will create. ' While 'cadabra' is the Aramaic equivalent of the Hebrew 'kedoobar,' meaning 'as was spoken. ' Together the phrase means, 'I will create as has been spoken,' a fitting thing for a...
  18. Alexander

    what does absolutism mean in vocab ?

    What does absolutism mean in vocab? a. : a political theory that absolute power should be vested in one or more rulers. b. : government by an absolute ruler or authority : despotism.Jul 28, 2024
  19. Alexander

    what are the three types of ablution ?

    What are the three types of ablution? Ablution in Islam:Wudu, daily wash.Ghusl, bathing ablution.Tayammum, waterless ablution.
  20. Alexander

    is it possible to completely lose an accent ?

    Is it possible to completely lose an accent? While it isn't impossible to eliminate an accent completely, it does take a significant amount of time, strategy, and dedication. It is also important to note that eliminating an accent completely is never guaranteed. Speech therapy is the best...