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  1. Scott

    what are things we do automatically ?

    What are things we do automatically? Automaticity Definition and Examples If you practice an action over and over again, you eventually become so skilled at the task that you can perform it with little or no thought. Driving and walking are examples of actions that become automatic.Nov 9, 2023
  2. Scott

    is hydroxyacetophenone bad for hair ?

    Is hydroxyacetophenone bad for hair? This man-made preservative is a gentle alternative to ingredients that we avoid in all formulas, such as parabens, methylisothiazolinone (MIT), and phthalates.
  3. Scott

    how to eat achira ?

    How to eat achira? The tubers, seeds and leaves are all edible and widely used and cultivated in South America. The tubers can be steamed and/or baked like a potato and also is made into an arrowroot like powder to thicken foods. The leaves are steamed like greens and are quite nutritious...
  4. Scott

    does epsilon eridani have a habitable planet ?

    Does Epsilon Eridani have a habitable planet? Because that is actually slightly closer to the star than the habitable zone, this has led some researchers to conclude there is not enough energy from ultraviolet radiation reaching into the habitable zone for life to ever get started around the...
  5. Scott

    which is the best meaning for bristle ?

    Which is the best meaning for bristle? (of hairs) to stand up because of fear or anger, or (of people) to show anger: The cat's fur bristled. She bristles at injustice.
  6. Scott

    what is the treatment for adeno ?

    What is the treatment for adeno? Treatment. There are no approved antiviral medicines and no specific treatment for people with adenovirus infection. Most adenovirus infections are mild and may be managed with rest and over-the-counter pain medicines or fever reducers to help relieve symptoms...
  7. Scott

    what is the nearest meaning of absorbed ?

    What is the nearest meaning of absorbed? giving or marked by complete attention to. synonyms: captive, engrossed, enwrapped, intent, wrapped. attentive.
  8. Scott

    what is the meaning of abstemiousness ?

    What is the meaning of abstemiousness? Definitions of abstemiousness. noun. moderation in eating and drinking. moderation, temperance. the trait of avoiding excesses.
  9. Scott

    what is the difference between abysm and abyss ?

    What is the difference between abysm and abyss? Abyss and abysm are synonymous (both can refer to the mythical bottomless pit in old accounts of the universe or can be used more broadly in reference to any immeasurably deep gulf), but the adjectives abyssal and abysmal are not used identically.
  10. Scott

    what is kalopsia ?

    What is Kalopsia? Kalopsia (Greek) Definition - The delusion of things being more beautiful than they really are.
  11. Scott

    what is an example of a place of abode ?

    What is an example of a place of abode? Examples:John's place of abode is a small apartment in the city.During the summer, the family's place of abode is a beach house.As a college student, Sarah's place of abode changes every year as she moves between dorms and apartments.
  12. Scott

    what is aboil ?

    What is aboil? A boil, or furuncle, is an infection of a hair follicle caused by the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus). This common bacterium inhabits the skin, and approximately one third of the population carry the germ in their noses.
  13. Scott

    what is 7 abiotic ?

    What is 7 abiotic? In biology, abiotic factors can include water, light, radiation, temperature, humidity, atmosphere, acidity, salinity, precipitation, altitude, minerals, tides, rain, dissolved oxygen nutrients, and soil. The macroscopic climate often influences each of the above.
  14. Scott

    what does it mean to behave abruptly ?

    What does it mean to behave abruptly? : in an abrupt manner : in a sudden and unexpected way. He left abruptly. The car swerved abruptly onto the exit ramp. Her career as a psychologist ended abruptly several years ago when a hacker broke into some of her private client files and made them...
  15. Scott

    what does acapnia mean ?

    What does acapnia mean? a condition in which there is an abnormally low concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood. This may be caused by breathing that is exceptionally deep in relation to the physical activity of the individual.
  16. Scott

    what did roman philosophers wear ?

    What did Roman philosophers wear? The abolla was, however, not confined to military occasions, but was also worn in the city. It was especially used by the Stoic and Cynic philosophers at Rome as the pallium philosophicum, just as the Greek philosophers were accustomed to distinguish themselves...
  17. Scott

    should i get my dogs epulis removed ?

    Should I get my dogs epulis removed? The treatment of choice for epulis in dogs is almost always complete surgical excision. If left untreated, these masses can become very large. Larger masses may become ulcerated or infected, and require more extensive resection from the canine mouth.Apr 9, 2023
  18. Scott

    is absaroka a real county in wyoming ?

    Is Absaroka a real county in Wyoming? Although the county of Absaroka isn't real, a state by the same name nearly joined the Union before Hawaii and Alaska. It's a story that has been widely forgotten in the decades since, but this tale is a peculiar part of western history worth retelling.Mar...
  19. Scott

    how do you tell the difference between a nominative and genitive case ?

    How do you tell the difference between a nominative and genitive case? NOMINATIVE: Subject (the actor/doer in a sentence or clause); predicate nominative (noun/adjective). GENITIVE: Possession [translation = "of": "X's" (singular), "Xs'" (plural)].
  20. Scott

    do starfish eat mussels ?

    Do starfish eat mussels? Ochre seastars (Pisaster ochraceus) feed on invertebrates, such as coral and shellfish, like the mussels pictured here. The starfish forces open the shell with suction disks on the underside of its body, and then inserts its stomach membranes through its mouth into the...