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    what is a thropple slang ?

    What is a thropple slang? A blend of the words three and couple, a throuple is a polyamorous relationship also sometimes called a triad, ménage à trois, or, for a bonus blend, threelationship. Evidence for throuple comes as early as 1994 in an internet Usenet discussion of non-traditional...
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    what does liturgical mean simple ?

    What does liturgical mean simple? adjective. of or relating to formal public worship or liturgies. of or relating to the liturgy or Eucharistic service.
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    what do you call someone who is accurate ?

    What do you call someone who is accurate? adjective as in precise. Synonyms Antonyms. Strongest matches. authentic, careful, correct, definite, detailed, exact, factual, meticulous, proper, rigorous, scientific, skillful, solid, specific, strict, systematic, true.
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    pourquoi dit on sage femme ?

    Pourquoi dit-on "sage-femme" ? La sage-femme est celle qui donne la sagesse aux femmes, qui les aide à devenir mère. Sage-femme ou matrone ? La matrone a longtemps été présente aux côtés des femmes dans les campagnes. Elle était choisie par la communauté en fonction de la confiance qu'elle...
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    is acedia the same as sloth ?

    Is acedia the same as sloth? According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, issued by the Vatican in 1992, sloth is the “culpable lack of physical or spiritual effort.” The terms sloth and acedia are often used interchangeably, but some theologians distinguish acedia as a form of spiritual...
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    how do you feel if your body is too acidic ?

    How do you feel if your body is too acidic? Common signs and symptoms of metabolic acidosis include:Accelerated heartbeat (tachycardia).Confusion or dizziness.Feeling very tired (fatigue).Loss of appetite.Headache.Rapid breathing or long, deep breathing.Nausea and vomiting.Feeling weak.More items...
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    are accordions hard to play ?

    Are accordions hard to play? Learning the accordion, like any instrument, isn't too hard if you practice enough. The hard part of learning the accordion is learning how to push and pull the bellows while fingering the buttons and keys. With regular practice or a few months, you'll learn how to...
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    who uses the word abode ?

    Who uses the word abode? Though it is often humble, as in, "Welcome to our humble abode," an abode is just a formal way of describing your home. A British solicitor (lawyer) would also use the word abode to describe his office, and if he worked from his home the word would cover both his work...
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    what kind of word is above ?

    What kind of word is above? Above is a preposition (prep) or an adverb (adv).
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    what is the origin of the word salto ?

    What is the origin of the word Salto? salto noun plural saltos, (in sense 1) salti L19 Italian (= leap, from Latin saltus). 1 L19 salto mortale (= fatal leap), a daring or flying leap; ...
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    what is the meaning of angel tears plant ?

    What is the meaning of angel tears plant? Healthy, mature plant signaled by Senecio 'Angel's Tears' blooms. Cultural significance: blooms represent dedication and accomplishment. Ideal conditions: 65°F-75°F, 40%-60% humidity, bright indirect sunlight.Feb 9, 2024
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    what is the difference between tempo and flow ?

    What is the difference between tempo and flow? Music can be thought of as a series of sounds that range from high to low (pitch), are held for a proportionate amount of time compared to other sounds (rhythm) and flow at a certain speed (tempo).
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    what is the absalom syndrome ?

    What is the Absalom syndrome? Absalom is an imposter—a usurper People who possess the Absalom spirit are typically frustrated with their lives, their ministries, or their perceived level in life. They often search for value in personal pursuits rather than in God Himself and thus become like the...
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    what is an example of an abrasion in real life ?

    What is an example of an abrasion in real life? An example would be a skinned knee. Patterned: A patterned abrasion is skin damage caused by an object forcefully making direct contact with your skin and rubbing against it. The wound on your skin matches the size and shape of the object that your...
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    what is abstractness ?

    What is abstractness? Definitions of abstractness. noun. the quality of being considered apart from a specific instance or object.
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    what is a qi in real estate ?

    What is a Qi in real estate? Overview. A qualified intermediary (QI) or accommodator is a person or business who enters into a written exchange agreement with a taxpayer to: Acquire and transfer property given up, and. Acquire replacement property and transfer it to the taxpayer.Nov 22, 2023
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    what does my god is abundance mean ?

    What does my God is abundance mean? This speaks of God's intent for you. He wants to bless your supply of food, your businesses, your careers and your investments. He ensures that no one that is connected to you lacks resources and He lavishes you with His abundance.
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    what does an accelerometer in a smartphone do ?

    What does an accelerometer in a smartphone do? An accelerometer is a special sensor for measuring acceleration; together with another sensor, a gyroscope, it helps to detect changes in the position of the phone it resides on. Accelerometers have been built into all smartphones for more than a...
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    what does a trauma abstractor do ?

    What does a trauma abstractor do? Incumbent reviews medical records and communicates with Trauma Team staff to identify reportable cases and to collect information related to severity and cause of injury, course of care and outcome, and codes and enters the data into the New York State Trauma...
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    what are the 3 essential requirements for absolution ?

    What are the 3 essential requirements for absolution? In order that the faithful may take advantage of general sacramental absolution it is absolutely required that they be suitably disposed: each should repent of the sins he has committed, have the purpose of keeping from sin, intend to repair...