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    what did the achomawi tribe eat ?

    What did the Achomawi tribe eat? More common were the bass, catfish, lamprey, pike, trout, crawfish and mussels caught in the rivers, streams, and lakes. Besides deer, some elk were found near Mt. Shasta. Antelope were valued both as food, and for their hides, hoofs (used to make rattles), and...
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    is schoolgirl a compound word ?

    Is schoolgirl a compound word? Thus, in the above question, 'schoolgirl' is a compound noun formed by the combination of two nouns; school and girl.Mar 1, 2019
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    is acac a chelating agent ?

    Is acac a chelating agent? AcAc was employed as a chelating agent in order to form stable sols. The sol particle size depends on the concentration of AcAc.
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    how do i stop feeling acidic ?

    How do I stop feeling acidic? 8 home remedies for heartburnKeep a food journal and avoid trigger foods. ... Avoid lying flat right after eating. ... Resist the urge to overeat or eat quickly. ... Take steps to lose weight if you are overweight. ... Elevate the head of your bed. ... Adjust your...
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    who is the buddhist god of abundance ?

    Who is the Buddhist god of abundance? Vasudhara is the Buddhist goddess of wealth, fertility, and well-being. She blesses her worshippers with material prosperity and spiritual wellness. She is full of compassion and loving-kindness toward all beings.
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    what is the yiddish word for jerk ?

    What is the Yiddish word for jerk? A schmuck is a loser, idiot, or jerk. This Yiddish word is a little old-fashioned and not very harsh.
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    what is the origin of the name absyrtus ?

    What is the origin of the name Absyrtus? The etymology of the name “Apsyrtus” (Greek Ἄψυρτος, translit. Ápsyrtos) is unknown.Sep 13, 2023
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    what is the meaning of accidently ?

    What is the meaning of accidently? adverb. by chance or mistake; in a way that is not planned or intended: If you break your key, whether accidentally or on purpose, there is a $40 charge to replace it. in a nonessential or subsidiary way; incidentally: Philosophy is essentially a vocation, and...
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    what is the difference between falconidae and accipitridae ?

    What is the difference between Falconidae and Accipitridae? The family Falconidae contains the falcons and caracaras. They're similar to birds in the family Accipitridae, but their bills are notched, they have proportionately longer wings, and the insides of their eggs have a reddish-yellow tint.
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    what is slang for drinking absinthe ?

    What is slang for drinking absinthe? Long story short, absinthe, or the green fairy for slang, is a high-proof spirit (45%-74% here in the U.S.) made from the leaves of the grande wormwood plant. There is/was this legend that absinthe makes you hallucinate or go crazy, but this simply isn't...
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    what is an example of acceptability ?

    What is an example of acceptability? Answer: An example of acceptability is compromising with your spouse to keep the thermostat at 70 when you want it at 68 and he wants it at 72.Aug 29, 2022
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    what is absorbency test ?

    What is absorbency test? The absorbency rate test determines the ability of terry fabric to absorb surface water and retain moisture from surfaces such as human skin, dishes and furniture. Its applicable method is ASTM D 4772.
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    what is a jargon of academe ?

    What is a jargon of academe? Jargon is the highly specialised terminology used by a specific area or profession. These terms are not usually understood by people outside that area. Jargon can help communicate specific concepts, but it can also make things less obvious or less accessible to...
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    what does izzet mean in magic ?

    What does izzet mean in magic? watermark:"Izzet" The Izzet League, also known as The Magewrights, is a blue/red guild from the plane and city of Ravnica. Introduced in Guildpact, the guild is also featured in Return to Ravnica, the Izzet vs. Golgari set and Guilds of Ravnica.
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    what does accompany with mean ?

    What does accompany with mean? verb (used with object) , ac·com·pa·nied, ac·com·pa·ny·ing. to go along or in company with; join in action: to accompany a friend on a walk. to be or exist in association or company with: Thunder accompanies lightning.
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    what do you mean by above ?

    What do you mean by above? 1. on top of or higher than; over. the sky above the earth. 2. greater than in quantity or degree.
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    what are examples of absorbers ?

    What are examples of absorbers? Porous absorbers: Common porous absorbers include carpet, draperies, spray-applied cellulose, aerated plaster, fibrous mineral wool and glass fiber, open-cell foam, and felted or cast porous ceiling tile.
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    is acaricide harmful to humans ?

    Is acaricide harmful to humans? Dithiocarbamates are considered as fungicides of low toxicity. They inhibit SH-containing enzymes and cause dermatitis, conjunctivitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis and bronchitis in humans.
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    how do you use acaulescent in a sentence ?

    How do you use acaulescent in a sentence? The plant is acaulescent with creamy white to purplish flowers.Aug 28, 2024
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    does accept mean to agree ?

    Does accept mean to agree? 'Agreeing' often implies that you are satisfied with a particular course of action or decision or think that it is good enough. When you 'accept' something, it means you are content with what has happened or has been suggested, even if it does not completely align with...