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    what does it mean to be according to god s will ?

    What does it mean to be according to God's will? The phrase God's will refers to what the Lord wants. We see this in the original Greek in Mark's gospel: For whoever does the will of God, he is my brother and sister and mother. ( Mark 3:35) In this verse, the word translated as will, θέλημα, is...
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    what color is achromatic ?

    What color is achromatic? Achromatic colors are qualities like white, grey, black, and the luminous qualities seen in stars and in lamps emitting “white” light. Although they are the least spectacular among the color impressions, the achromatic colors are probably the most interesting ones from...
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    is methyl benzoate toxic ?

    Is methyl benzoate toxic? May be harmful if absorbed through the skin. Ingestion: May cause irritation of the digestive tract. May be harmful if swallowed. Inhalation: May cause respiratory tract irritation.
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    how to use acerbate in a sentence ?

    How to use acerbate in a sentence? Example Sentences Lady Laura had triumphed; but she had no desire to acerbate her husband by any unpalatable allusion to her victory. The poor girl had not spirit sufficient to upbraid her friend; nor did it suit her now to acerbate an enemy.
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    how can you tell if a person has polycythemia ?

    How can you tell if a person has polycythemia? Symptoms include lack of energy (fatigue) or weakness, headaches, dizziness, shortness of breath, visual disturbances, nose bleeds, bleeding gums, heavy menstrual periods, and bruising. Treatment may include medicines and phlebotomy, a procedure...
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    who is academos in greek mythology ?

    Who is Academos in Greek mythology? Academus (/ˌækəˈdiːməs/; Ancient Greek: Ἀκάδημος, romanized: Akádemos), also Hecademus (Ancient Greek: Ἑκάδημος, romanized: Hekádemos), was an Attic hero in Greek mythology. The site of Academus, either a grove or a park, which became known as Akademeia, lies...
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    what is the vocabulary of accidental ?

    What is the vocabulary of accidental? Anything accidental happens by chance or unintentionally. People don't mean to do accidental things. An accident is something unforeseen that no one wanted to happen, like a car accident or getting hit by lightning. You can describe anything like that as...
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    what is the opposite of absorbable ?

    What is the opposite of absorbable? Adjective. Opposite of having the ability or tendency to absorb. impermeable. nonabsorbent. waterproof.
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    what is the meaning of acater ?

    What is the meaning of acater? a buyer of and supplier of provisions; caterer.
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    what is the difference between an accomplice and a perpetrator ?

    What is the difference between an accomplice and a perpetrator? An accomplice is present during the crime and actively helps the perpetrator commit it. This assistance can be physical, logistical, or even moral support that contributes directly to the commission of the crime. For example, in a...
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    what is pareira brava 200 used for ?

    What is Pareira Brava 200 used for? Pareira Brava is useful in renal colic, prostatic affections and catarrh of bladder. It is also used for sensation as if bladder were distended, with pain and pain going down thigh. Research has concentrated on its alkaloid and its property to relax muscle...
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    what is an example of abstain from ?

    What is an example of abstain from? He abstained from taking part in the discussion. I need to abstain from eating [=I need to not eat] for at least 12 hours before my blood test.
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    what is absent mindedness a symptom of ?

    What is absent-mindedness a symptom of? Regularly forgetting keys, the reason for going into a room, or having to read something over again, are all signs of being 'absent-minded'. Research suggests that such characteristics are strongly linked to symptoms of anxiety, depression and stress.Feb...
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    what is a fancy word for stairs ?

    What is a fancy word for stairs? escalier flight flight of steps pair of stairs stairs stairway steps. staircase (noun as in stairs) Strong matches. companionway escalator steps.
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    what does it mean when someone is abstract ?

    What does it mean when someone is abstract? Abstract is from a Latin word meaning "pulled away, detached," and the basic idea is of something detached from physical, or concrete, reality. It is frequently used of ideas, meaning that they don't have a clear applicability to real life, and of art...
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    what do you call a person who accepts the bill ?

    What do you call a person who accepts the bill? The person on whom the bill is drawn is called drawee. Bill needs to be signed(accepted) by the drawee, Therefore when drawee accepts the Bill, it also becomes the ACCEPTOR.
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    what are abortifacient drugs for dogs ?

    What are abortifacient drugs for dogs? Synthetic prostaglandins (cloprostenol 1–3 mcg/kg every 12–24 hours to effect) more specifically target the myometrium, causing fewer systemic adverse effects, and are currently preferred. Pregnancy can also be reliably terminated in female dogs by...
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    is abysmal positive or negative ?

    Is abysmal positive or negative? extremely or hopelessly bad or severe: abysmal ignorance; abysmal poverty.
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    how do you use abscind in a sentence ?

    How do you use abscind in a sentence? He absconded from the custody of the nurses who were escorting him from the hospital to the court. Of the 39 boys who absconded, 13 are still at large. A lady came to my surgery and told me that 10 years ago she had absconded from a mental home.
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    does absorb mean eat ?

    Does absorb mean eat? verb (used with object) to suck up or drink in (a liquid); soak up: A sponge absorbs water. to swallow up the identity or individuality of; incorporate: The empire absorbed many small nations. Synonyms: destroy, engulf, devour, consume, assimilate.