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  1. SafeMoon

    what does acetate do to the brain ?

    What does acetate do to the brain? A portion of the acetate produced in the liver enters the circulation and can be used as energy in the brain. Whereas the brain normally relies on glucose for energy, acute alcohol causes a reduction in brain glucose metabolism and an increase in brain acetate...
  2. SafeMoon

    what are the achromic colors ?

    What are the Achromic colors? Achromatic colors are qualities like white, grey, black, and the luminous qualities seen in stars and in lamps emitting “white” light. Although they are the least spectacular among the color impressions, the achromatic colors are probably the most interesting ones...
  3. SafeMoon

    is achene a true fruit ?

    Is achene a true fruit? Achene - A one-seeded, dry, indehiscent fruit; the one seed is attached to the fruit wall at a single point. (buttercups, dandelion, sunflower). ii. Nut - A dry, indehiscent, one seeded fruit similar to an achene but with the wall greatly thickened and hardened.
  4. SafeMoon

    why does the price of a stock fall ?

    Why does the price of a stock fall? If more people want to buy a stock (demand) than sell it (supply), then the price moves up. Conversely, if more people wanted to sell a stock than buy it, there would be greater supply than demand, and the price would fall. Understanding supply and demand is easy.
  5. SafeMoon

    what scripture has the word abound ?

    What Scripture has the word abound? 2 Corinthians 9:8 New King James Version (NKJV) And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.
  6. SafeMoon

    what is the root word of abominate ?

    What is the root word of abominate? Abominate comes from the Latin verb abominari, which comes from ab-, meaning “away from,” and omin, meaning “omen.” You might consider something you abominate — the sound of nails on a chalkboard, for many — to be as thoroughly bad as a bad omen itself.
  7. SafeMoon

    what is the meaning of the word aboundingly ?

    What is the meaning of the word aboundingly? : existing in or providing a great or plentiful quantity or supply. It's simply full of … villains, impossible heroics and abounding clichés.
  8. SafeMoon

    what is the largest order of fish ?

    What is the largest order of fish? The Order Perciformes If considered a single order, they are the most numerous order of vertebrates, containing about 41% of all bony fish. Perciformes means "perch-like". This group comprises over 10,000 species found in almost all aquatic ecosystems. The...
  9. SafeMoon

    what is the best position for abutilon ?

    What is the best position for abutilon? Give your abutilon the sunniest, most protected spot you have to offer. Against a warm, south-facing wall is ideal, or in a sunny, sheltered border. For frost-prone areas (i.e., the majority of the UK), abutilon is best grown in either a conservatory or a...
  10. SafeMoon

    what is another word for accommodate someone ?

    What is another word for accommodate someone? aid, arrange, assist, avail, benefit, bow, comfort, defer, favor, furnish, gratify, humor, indulge, oblige, pamper, please, settle, submit, suit, supply, support, yield.
  11. SafeMoon

    what is acrodermatitis like ?

    What is acrodermatitis like? Acrodermatitis enteropathica-like conditions secondary to metabolic disorders are caused by abnormalities disrupting the metabolism of amino acids or fatty acids [1]. This can be direct, through disruption of the urea cycle, or by affecting co-factors, notably biotin...
  12. SafeMoon

    what is a synonym for elysium ?

    What is a synonym for Elysium? Synonyms: abode of the blessed, heaven , nirvana, paradise , land of milk and honey, Utopia, kingdom , the promised land, seventh heaven, the land of plenty, Arcadia, Eden, Shangri-La.
  13. SafeMoon

    what does the name accompanist mean ?

    What does the name accompanist mean? Definitions of accompanist. noun. a person who provides musical accompaniment (usually on a piano) synonyms: accompanyist. instrumentalist, musician, player.
  14. SafeMoon

    what does feeling dauntless mean ?

    What does feeling dauntless mean? : incapable of being intimidated or subdued : fearless, undaunted.
  15. SafeMoon

    what does abridge mean in law ?

    What does abridge mean in law? In a legal context, the term is generally used to explain taking away or restricting some existing right of a person such as abridging the right to vote; or abridging the rights and obligations of an administrator.
  16. SafeMoon

    what are the parasites in human feet ?

    What are the parasites in human feet? Hookworm disease is a common parasitic infection in many parts of the world. Most people get the parasite by walking barefoot in soil infected with hookworm eggs. Left untreated, it can lead to unpleasant — and sometimes serious — symptoms.
  17. SafeMoon

    is it acclimated or acclimatised ?

    Is it acclimated or acclimatised? Both words were fairly interchangeable in USA right through until around the 1970s, when “acclimate” finally won out. UK was a lot quicker to distance itself, with “acclimatise” feeling right at home in Victorian England by the 1850s.Feb 25, 2015
  18. SafeMoon

    how often is placental abruption fatal ?

    How often is placental abruption fatal? If the bleeding continues, both maternal and fetal lives are at stake. Partial placenta separation is associated with low mortality compared to full separation; however, in both cases, without an emergent cesarean section, fetal demise may occur. The...
  19. SafeMoon

    how do muslims say hello ?

    How do Muslims say hello? 0:000:48Think RevertYouTube·Sep 15, 2022How to say the Muslim greeting - Asalamu alaykumYouTube·Think Revert·Sep 15, 2022YouTubeIn this video"...Now for most newcomers. It's quite a difficult thing to say it sounds like. This. An interesting fact that the kum at the end...
  20. SafeMoon

    can cerebellar atrophy cause dementia ?

    Can cerebellar atrophy cause dementia? Additional symptoms that are more common in people with paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration include: Dementia (problems with memory, reasoning and thinking). Slow and slurred speech (dysarthria).Mar 30, 2022