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    what causes gastric achlorhydria ?

    What causes gastric achlorhydria? Hypothyroidism: Thyroid hormone plays a role in hydrochloric acid secretion; hence hypothyroidism can lead to achlorhydria. Radiation to stomach: Radiation to the stomach has also been reported to cause achlorhydria. Gastric cancer: Animal studies have shown...
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    is keratosis a cancer ?

    Is keratosis a cancer? “Actinic keratosis is an abnormal growth of cells caused by long-term damage from the sun,” he says. “They are not cancerous, but a small fraction of them will develop into skin cancer. Because we don't know which ones will become cancer and which will not, dermatologists...
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    how to remove an acetal ?

    How to remove an acetal? Deprotection of acetals and ketals can be achieved by using a catalytic amount of sodium tetrakis(3,5-trifluoromethylphenyl)borate (NaBArF4) in water at 30 °C. For example, a quantitative conversion of 2-phenyl-1,3-dioxolane into benzaldehyde was accomplished within five...
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    how accurate is a ph meter ?

    How accurate is a pH meter? A pH meter is considered accurate and in a good condition if the reading difference between the measurement and standard value is ≤ 0.
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    who came first abraham or jesus ?

    Who came first Abraham or Jesus? Jesus was born as a human (God in Man) long after Abraham. However, Jesus pre-existed everything and everyone, including Abraham, since He is the Creator. He is not, as some say, created.Mar 29, 2018
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    what is the verb form of apricity ?

    What is the verb form of Apricity? The verb form is apricate. USAGE: “As he stood in the sunshine, apricity began to cover him like a wool sweater.”Mar 29, 2016
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    what is the opposite of ablation ?

    What is the opposite of ablation? In glaciology and meteorology, ablation—the opposite of accumulation—refers to all processes that remove snow, ice, or water from a glacier or snowfield.
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    what is the meaning of acantholytic ?

    What is the meaning of acantholytic? Abstract. Acantholysis means loss of coherence between epidermal cells due to the breakdown of intercellular bridges. It is an important pathogenetic mechanism underlying various bullous disorders, particularly the pemphigus group, as well as many...
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    what is the difference between adapt and acclimate ?

    What is the difference between adapt and acclimate? Adaptation is a long-term permanent adjustment of a group of organisms to a changing environment. Acclimatization is a short-term rapid temporary adjustment of an organism to a changing environment. Acclimatization can be reversed once the...
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    what is multi accentuality ?

    What is multi-accentuality? The openness of words to more than one interpretation. A notion advanced by Voloshinov and/or Bakhtin in 1929 in response to the alleged fixity of meaning in Saussure's conception of language.
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    what is an example of absenteeism ?

    What is an example of absenteeism? Absenteeism is any failure to report for or remain at work as scheduled, regardless of the reason. Absenteeism is usually unplanned, for example, when someone falls ill, but can also be planned, for example during a strike or willful absence.
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    what is abridge used for ?

    What is abridge used for? verb (used with object) to shorten by omissions while retaining the basic contents: to abridge a reference book. to reduce or lessen in duration, scope, authority, etc.; diminish; curtail: to abridge one's freedom.
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    what is a coffer ?

    What is a coffer? A coffer is a large, strong chest used for storing valuable objects such as money or gold and silver. [old-fashioned] 2. plural noun. The coffers of an organization consist of the money that it has to spend, imagined as being collected together in one place.
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    what does it mean when a girl says idc in text ?

    What does it mean when a girl says IDC in text? Idc means I don't care. It is mainly used in messaging and social media. Along with that, idk is alike. Someone can actually say idk and idc which is common.Dec 17, 2022
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    what does access mean in writing ?

    What does Access mean in writing? noun. the ability, right, or permission to approach, enter, speak with, or use; admittance: They have access to the files. a way or means of approach: The only access to the house was a rough dirt road.
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    what do scottish people call kissing ?

    What do Scottish people call kissing? The word "winch" means to kiss or to make out with someone. The word is most commonly used in Glasgow, according to the Glasgow Times.Jan 20, 2023
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    what are 3 synonyms for eminent ?

    What are 3 synonyms for eminent? Some common synonyms of eminent are celebrated, distinguished, famous, illustrious, noted, notorious, and renowned. While all these words mean "known far and wide," eminent implies even greater prominence for outstanding quality or character.Sep 3, 2024
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    is abstrusive a word ?

    Is abstrusive a word? The earliest known use of the adjective abstrusive is in the 1840s.
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    how do you use abort in a sentence ?

    How do you use abort in a sentence? Examples of abort in a Sentence Verb They decided to abort the pregnancy. abort the launch of a rocket I suggest that you abort the project. The mission had to be aborted. When problems occurred during the launch, it was necessary to abort.
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    does above mean up ?

    Does above mean up? : in or to a higher place than : over.Sep 7, 2024