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    what is a trettle ?

    What is a trettle? : a swiveling or lever device pressed by the foot to drive a machine.
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    what does low aconitic mean ?

    What does low Aconitic mean? Lower aconitic acid levels have been found in kidney disease [168, 169]. Proponents of OAT testing state that increased aconitic acid points to depleted glutathione, i.e. they suggest supplementing with glutathione may be beneficial.Jan 12, 2023
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    what do you do with an orchid after the blooms fall off ?

    What do you do with an orchid after the blooms fall off? 0:241:58Sprouted SeedsYouTube·Apr 14, 2022How To Prune Orchids After The Flowers Fall Off - Trim An Orchid After It ...YouTube·Sprouted Seeds·Apr 14, 2022YouTubeIn this video"...All other orchids will bloom again but not from the same...
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    qu est ce qu une accoucheuse ?

    Qu'est-ce qu'une accoucheuse ? Accoucheuse est associé à nourrice, à ensevelisseuse; contrairement à accoucheur, il désigne une pers. ayant une expérience pratique, sans avoir nécessairement une qualification officielle à la différence de la sage-femme qui est auj. une infirmière diplômée.
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    is acenaphthene soluble in water ?

    Is acenaphthene soluble in water? Acenaphthene appears as white needles. Melting point 93.
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    how do you fix achlorhydria ?

    How do you fix achlorhydria? There is no specific treatment for achlorhydria. Eradication of H. pylori is recommended in patients who are found to have it. Other treatments are targeted at improving the complications of achlorhydria.
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    are achenes good for you ?

    Are achenes good for you? Strawberry Achenes Are an Important Source of Bioactive Compounds for Human Health.Jul 11, 2016
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    who was acacius of mount athos ?

    Who was Acacius of Mount Athos? Saint Acacius or Akakios the Younger, also known as Akakios the New of Kafsokalyvia (Greek: Ακάκιος ο Νέος, ο Καυσοκαλυβίτης; 1630s – 12 April 1730) was a Greek Orthodox Christian monk and ascetic who lived on Mount Athos. His feast day is celebrated by the...
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    what language is the word accismus ?

    What language is the word accismus? Etymology. Via Latin accismus from Ancient Greek ακκισμός (akkismós, “prudery”)
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    what is the origin of the word syntonic ?

    What is the origin of the word Syntonic? The earliest known use of the adjective syntonic is in the late 1700s. OED's earliest evidence for syntonic is from 1786, in a dictionary by Thomas Busby, composer and author. syntonic is a borrowing from Greek, combined with an English element. Etymons...
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    what is the meaning of apostasy ?

    What is the meaning of apostasy? 1. : an act of refusing to continue to follow, obey, or recognize a religious faith. 2. : abandonment of a previous loyalty : defection.
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    what is the difference between the rumen and the abomasum ?

    What is the difference between the rumen and the abomasum? Rumen: The first chamber in the alimentary canal of ruminant animals. It serves as the primary site for microbial fermentation of ingested feed. Abomasum: The fourth and final stomach compartment in ruminants. It secretes rennin – the...
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    what is the absolute term ?

    What is the absolute term? Absolute terms describe properties that are ideal in a Platonic sense, but that are not present in any concrete, real-world object.
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    what is an example of an absolute term ?

    What is an example of an absolute term? If something is true or right in absolute terms, it is true or right when it is not considered in comparison to something else: This is a massive figure, both in absolute terms and relative to the size of the economy. Her contribution was better than most...
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    what is abulic in psychology ?

    What is Abulic in psychology? Introduction. The Dictionary of Neurological Signs defines abulia as a "syndrome of hypofunction," characterized by lack of initiative, spontaneity, and drive, apathy, slowness of thought (bradyphrenia), and blunting of emotional responses and response to external...
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    what is a real example of absorption ?

    What is a real example of absorption? “In absorption, the substance is uniformly distributed throughout the bulk of the solid.” An example of absorption is water vapors are absorbed by anhydrous calcium chloride.
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    what does nemophilist mean dictionary ?

    What does Nemophilist mean dictionary? Nemophilist: a person who loves or is fond of woods or forests.Oct 19, 2015
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    what does an eeg tech do ?

    What does an EEG tech do? Electroencephalogram (EEG) technologists use specialized equipment and processes to monitor a patient's nervous system activity. They set up, perform, and monitor EEG tests (electroencephalograms) which record the electrical activity of a patient's brain over time.
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    what does ab mean abuse ?

    What does AB mean abuse? The word abuse is made up of two parts — "use," which means to employ, and ab-, a Latin prefix meaning "away" — and as a whole comes from the Latin abūsus, meaning "misuse," or "use wrongly." It began as a verb and became a noun in the mid-15th century.
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    what are the 3 r principles ?

    What are the 3 R principles? What are the 3Rs ? The principle of reducing waste, reusing and recycling resources and products is often called the "3Rs." Reducing means choosing to use things with care to reduce the amount of waste generated. Reusing involves the repeated use of items or parts of...