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  1. Cynthia

    what happens if you have too much tannins ?

    What happens if you have too much tannins? Very large amounts of tannic acid can cause stomach irritation, nausea, and vomiting.
  2. Cynthia

    what does aghast mean ?

    What does aghast mean? adjective. struck with overwhelming shock or amazement; filled with sudden fright or horror: They stood aghast at the sight of the plane crashing.
  3. Cynthia

    what are the side effects of taking acidophilus ?

    What are the side effects of taking acidophilus? If you develop a skin rash, hives, swelling, dizziness, trouble breathing, or any allergic reaction to this supplement, call your doctor as soon as possible. Do not take other medicines unless they have been discussed with your doctor.Jun 1, 2024
  4. Cynthia

    is chromatolysis seen in multiple sclerosis ?

    Is chromatolysis seen in multiple sclerosis? Chromatolysis is, however, observed is part of many disease processes including multiple schlerosis, porphyria, pellagra, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and poliomyelitis.Jan 24, 2024
  5. Cynthia

    Is Horizen (ZEN) Worth Buying? Is Horizen (ZEN) Reliable? Horizen (ZEN) Reviews

    To provide you with accurate and comprehensive information on Horizen (ZEN), I'll gather recent reviews, opinions, and analyses from reliable sources. Here is a summary based on the latest information available: --- Is Horizen (ZEN) Worth Buying? Is Horizen (ZEN) Reliable? Horizen (ZEN)...
  6. Cynthia

    how long can you have chlamydia without knowing ?

    How long can you have chlamydia without knowing? Symptoms can occur within 2-14 days after infection. However, a person may have chlamydia for months, or even years, without knowing it.Jul 1, 2012
  7. Cynthia

    do you know what 1 1 is ?

    Do you know what 1:1 is? 1+1 is a mathematical expression that evaluates to: 2 (number) (in ordinary arithmetic)
  8. Cynthia

    why would a woman need an ablation ?

    Why would a woman need an ablation? You may decide to have endometrial ablation if you have heavy or long periods. You may also have it for bleeding between periods (abnormal uterine bleeding). In some cases, the bleeding may be so heavy that it affects your daily activities and causes a low...
  9. Cynthia

    when to use the ablative ?

    When to use the ablative? The ablative case is used in several instances. A noun in the ablative case can usually be translated with the meanings 'by', 'from', or 'with'. Certain prepositions or verbs take the ablative case, such as 'pro', 'e, ex', 'cum' and 'abutor' and then the translation...
  10. Cynthia

    what is the synonym of abnegation ?

    What is the synonym of abnegation? synonyms: denial, self-abnegation, self-denial, self-renunciation. forgoing, forswearing, renunciation. the act of renouncing; sacrificing or giving up or surrendering (a possession or right or title or privilege etc.) self-sacrifice, selflessness.
  11. Cynthia

    what is the meaning of the word prurigo ?

    What is the meaning of the word prurigo? The term prurigo refers to intensely itchy spots. It may be used when the cause is known (see list below) or to describe a condition of unknown cause characterised by small itchy bumps. Prurigo should be distinguished from pruritus (itch), in which there...
  12. Cynthia

    what is the meaning of ablative therapy ?

    What is the meaning of ablative therapy? Ablation therapy is a treatment that uses heat or cold to destroy, or ablate, cancer tumors without the need for more invasive surgery. Special probes are used to deliver ablative treatments directly to the tumor.
  13. Cynthia

    what is the denotation of absurdity ?

    What is the denotation of absurdity? An absurdity is something ridiculously foolish. The U.S. declaring war on Fiji would be an absurdity. This is the noun form of the adjective absurd, which means silly, hard-to-believe, and kind of crazy.
  14. Cynthia

    what is considered an abrasive ?

    What is considered an abrasive? abrasive, sharp, hard material used to wear away the surface of softer, less resistant materials. Included within the term are both natural and synthetic substances, ranging from the relatively soft particles used in household cleansers and jeweler's polish to the...
  15. Cynthia

    what is an abyss ?

    What is an abyss? a deep, immeasurable space, gulf, or cavity; vast chasm. anything that seems to be without end or is impossible to measure, define, or comprehend: the abyss of their grief and sorrow.
  16. Cynthia

    what is a word for abstainer ?

    What is a word for abstainer? nondrinker teetotaler teetotalist. Strong matches. abstinent ascetic prohibitionist. Weak matches. one who is on the wagon temperance advocate water-drinker.
  17. Cynthia

    what factors may affect absorbency ?

    What factors may affect absorbency? The absorbency is affected by several factors such as the material characteristics, contact time, sheet size, liquid type, liquid temperature, surrounding temperature and humidity, and many others.
  18. Cynthia

    what does it mean to abridge rights ?

    What does it mean to abridge rights? to reduce or lessen in duration, scope, authority, etc.; diminish; curtail: to abridge one's freedom.
  19. Cynthia

    what does abstemiously mean ?

    What does abstemiously mean? Meaning of abstemiously in English avoiding things that give pleasure but may be bad for you, for example eating too much or drinking alcohol: Smith celebrated abstemiously with two of his closest friends.
  20. Cynthia

    what can i do to stop 1 week of pregnancy ?

    What can I do to stop 1 week of pregnancy? The “abortion pill” is the popular name for a safe and effective way to end an early pregnancy using a combination of two medicines: mifepristone and misoprostol. Mifepristone stops the pregnancy from growing. After taking mifepristone, you take a...