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  1. altcoindayly

    what food makes your urine acidic ?

    What food makes your urine acidic? To help make your urine more acid you should avoid most fruits (especially citrus fruits and juices), milk and other dairy products, and other foods which make the urine more alkaline. Eating more protein and foods such as cranberries (especially cranberry...
  2. altcoindayly

    what does achieve a goal mean ?

    What does achieve a goal mean? These words mean to succeed in finishing something or reaching a goal, especially after a lot of effort or difficulty. You can say that you have achieved or fulfilled an aim, goal, or ambition.
  3. altcoindayly

    what are the disadvantages of crystal violet ?

    What are the disadvantages of crystal violet? Crystal violet is therefore considered a biohazardous material [30] . Since it can result in kidney failure, respiratory problems, and permanent blindness, crystal violet dye is extremely dangerous [31]. ...
  4. altcoindayly

    is ajax an achaean ?

    Is Ajax an Achaean? Ajax the Great, also known as Telamonian Ajax, was an Achaean warrior descended from Zeus. He was brother to Teucer, another warrior present during the siege of Troy, and the son of Telamon, one of the heroes who accompanied Jason on the voyage of the Argo.
  5. altcoindayly

    how do you use inoculate in a sentence ?

    How do you use inoculate in a sentence? be inoculated against My children have been inoculated against polio. inoculate someone with something Louis Pasteur inoculated an 8-year-old boy with cowpox and then exposed him to smallpox to test his theory. There may be a shortage of flu vaccine to...
  6. altcoindayly

    comment s appelle la femme qui fait accoucher ?

    Comment s'appelle la femme qui fait accoucher ? En francophonie contemporaine sont notamment employés accoucheur, accoucheuse, maïeuticien, maïeuticienne ou sage-femme (aussi écrit sagefemme selon les rectifications orthographiques de 1990).
  7. altcoindayly

    why is eeg better than mri ?

    Why is EEG better than MRI? Conclusion. In the diagnostic imaging landscape, MRI and EEG hold distinct, invaluable roles. While MRI gives us unparalleled views of the brain's structure, EEG unlocks the dynamic realm of real-time brain function. They can offer a comprehensive understanding of...
  8. altcoindayly

    what verbs take ablative ?

    What verbs take ablative? The ablative is always used with cōram, palam, prae, and prō. The original idea was one of separation: cōram, in the presence of, pro, in front of, etc. 2. Verbs meaning "keep away from, free from, deprive, lack," etc.
  9. altcoindayly

    what is the sin of acedia ?

    What is the sin of acedia? “Acedia comes from Greek and means 'a lack of care. ' It sounds a little like today's sloth, and acedia is indeed considered a precursor to today's sin of laziness. To Christian monks in the fourth century, however, acedia was more than just laziness or apathy.Mar 13, 2024
  10. altcoindayly

    what is the meaning of the word accidentality ?

    What is the meaning of the word accidentality? : the quality or state of being accidental. the accidentality of history.
  11. altcoindayly

    what is the lifespan of a skink ?

    What is the lifespan of a skink? The normal life expectancy of a captive skink is anywhere between fifteen and twenty years, but some have been reported to live in excess of thirty-two years.Mar 25, 2016
  12. altcoindayly

    what is the common name for acarapis woodi ?

    What is the common name for Acarapis woodi? The honey bee tracheal mite, Acarapis woodi (family Tarsonemidae), is of considerable economic importance as a pest in the respiratory system of honey bees.
  13. altcoindayly

    what is basic accessibility ?

    What is basic accessibility? Accessibility is the practice of making your websites usable by as many people as possible. We traditionally think of this as being about people with disabilities, but the practice of making sites accessible also benefits other groups such as those using mobile...
  14. altcoindayly

    what is an abrasion injury ?

    What is an abrasion injury? Introduction. Abrasions are superficial injuries that occur on the skin and visceral linings of the body, disrupting tissue continuity. They are typically minor wounds, mainly limited to the epidermis, and usually do not cause significant bleeding. Most abrasions heal...
  15. altcoindayly

    what is a synonym for the word abyssal ?

    What is a synonym for the word abyssal? resembling an abyss in depth; so deep as to be unmeasurable. “the abyssal depths of the ocean” synonyms: abysmal, unfathomable. deep. having great spatial extension or penetration downward or inward from an outer surface or backward or laterally or outward...
  16. altcoindayly

    what does tyvm mean in texting ?

    What does TYVM mean in texting? Abbreviation for Thank You Very Much used in chat rooms, emails, and newsgroups. From: TYVM in A Dictionary of the Internet »
  17. altcoindayly

    what does i got abortion mean ?

    What does I got abortion mean? Meaning of get an abortion in English to intentionally end a pregnancy: She decided to get an abortion. She said that the proposed law would make it nearly impossible to get an abortion. See. abortion (END OF PREGNANCY)Aug 28, 2024
  18. altcoindayly

    what does absolute mean in life ?

    What does absolute mean in life? /ˌˈæbsəˌˈlut/ /æbsəˈlut/ Other forms: absolutes. Use absolute as a noun or an adjective when you're so sure of something that you know it will never change. For example, a devout person's belief in life after death is an absolute; that person has absolute faith...
  19. altcoindayly

    what are the three points of aboriginality ?

    What are the three points of Aboriginality? These are: being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent. identifying as an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person. being accepted as such by the community in which you live, or formerly lived.
  20. altcoindayly

    is it ok to sleep under the stairs ?

    Is it OK to sleep under the stairs? Staircase creates two kind of effects, increases or decreases the Energy of the zone in which they are being built, &, connects two Directional Energy zones on two different levels. Avoid to sleep below the staircase or beam. It will create a restless and you...