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    what clears psoriasis fast ?

    What clears psoriasis fast? Hydrocortisone creams and ointments. You can buy a mild corticosteroid like hydrocortisone without a prescription. For a few small patches of psoriasis, a mild hydrocortisone works well. If you have more than a few small patches, you'll likely need a prescription...
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    is methadone stronger than morphine ?

    Is methadone stronger than morphine? A single 5 mg dose of methadone is equivalent to morphine 7.
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    how to use accouchement in a sentence ?

    How to use accouchement in a sentence? Example SentencesThe accouchement of women was intrusted in many cases to the care of educated men, who contributed not a little to the art.They are particularly ill-treated at the period of their accouchement.She must continue to observe many precautions...
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    how can someone be an achiever ?

    How can someone be an achiever? To be a High Achiever, you have to aim high – and set your goals realistically right. Sit down and visualize who you are and where you want to be. You have to know what you are yearning for deep down in your heart. Thereafter, you set your goals for the next 6...
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    who is abstainer ?

    Who is Abstainer? noun. a person who refrains from drinking intoxicating beverages. synonyms: abstinent, nondrinker. antonyms: drinker, imbiber, juicer, toper.
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    what is the verb of cavitation ?

    What is the verb of cavitation? cavitated; cavitating. intransitive verb. : to form cavities or bubbles.
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    what is the opposite of absolute ?

    What is the opposite of absolute? Thus, according to the meaning, the word 'limited' is the opposite of the word 'absolute'.Jan 9, 2020
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    what is the meaning of acatalepsy ?

    What is the meaning of Acatalepsy? 1. : an ancient Skeptic doctrine that human knowledge amounts only to probability and never to certainty. 2. : real or apparent impossibility of arriving at certain knowledge or full comprehension.
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    what is the difference between an academician and an academic ?

    What is the difference between an academician and an academic? The answer is while an academic (derived from academe) is a person who teaches or indulges in research in institutions of higher learning such as a college or university, an academician (derived from academy) is typically someone who...
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    what is order acarina ?

    What is order acarina? The order Acarina, including mites and ticks, contains numerous economically and medically important species that are parasitic on humans, domesticated or hunted animals, and crops, food, etc. Unlike other chelicerates, members of the Acarina lack a visible body division.
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    what is an example of absorption in psychology ?

    What is an example of absorption in psychology? Absorption can facilitate the experience of both positive and negative emotions. Positive experiences facilitated by absorption include the enjoyment of music, art, and natural beauty (e.g. sunsets) and pleasant forms of daydreaming.
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    what is abscission in plants ?

    What is abscission in plants? Abscission means the act of cutting off. Abscission is a naturally occurring phenomenon which involves the separation of fruits, flowers or even leaves from plants at specialized separation layers. In other words, it is the normal shedding of a senescent plant...
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    what is a fancy word for going down the stairs ?

    What is a fancy word for going down the stairs? The word is “descend.: For example, “to descend the stairs” means to walk (or otherwise move) down the stairs. One can descend a hill, too, or a rope, or a ladder. the word for the opposite (upward) movement is “ascend.”May 1, 2018
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    what does it mean when someone calls you academic ?

    What does it mean when someone calls you academic? : very learned but inexperienced in practical matters. academic thinkers. d. : based on formal study especially at an institution of higher learning. her academic qualifications.
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    what does accidentally did mean ?

    What does accidentally did mean? uncertainty, doubt, dubiety, skepticism, suspicion, mistrust mean lack of sureness about someone or something. uncertainty may range from a falling short of certainty to an almost complete lack of conviction or knowledge especially about an outcome or result.
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    what do you call a person in academia ?

    What do you call a person in academia? The answer is while an academic (derived from academe) is a person who teaches or indulges in research in institutions of higher learning such as a college or university, an academician (derived from academy) is typically someone who is honored with full...
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    what are abatement purposes ?

    What are abatement purposes? The purpose of abatement is that a member does not gain from the public purse by receiving both a pension and salary that is more than their earnings income before retirement and so the pension is reduced (abated) by any excess.
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    is abutilon invasive ?

    Is Abutilon invasive? Cultivated as a source of fiber and oil; it has escaped cultivation invading orchards, cotton, corn, soybeans, and vegetable fields causing serious damage. Abutilon theophrasti seeds can remain viable in the soil for over 50 years. It is especially invasive in disturbed...
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    how do you use abrogate in a sentence ?

    How do you use abrogate in a sentence? abrogate verb [T] (avoid responsibility) Companies are really abrogating responsibility for safety. He seemed to abrogate his duty to uphold law and order. Those in power abrogated their responsibility.
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    does absolute mean truth ?

    Does absolute mean truth? An absolute is something that is universally true, that is, its truth is independent of all other factors or contexts. 1 To say, "there are no absolutes:' is to say that there are no inde pendent universal truths. All truths are therefore dependent. "The truth is...