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    what drinks have the least acetaldehyde ?

    What drinks have the least acetaldehyde? Clear, non-flavored spirits, such as gin and vodka, tend to have less acetaldehyde than dark, fruity drinks, such as brandy or sherry. Regular beer tends to have lower acetaldehyde content, though higher than clear spirits. Wine, on the other hand, has...
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    what does acetobacter smell like ?

    What does Acetobacter smell like? Acteobacter, Lactobacillus - vinegary, cidery, malt vinegar smell. Acetobacter can also produce ropy jelly like strands known as ropiness.Aug 11, 2005
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    what are the benefits of acidophilus ?

    What are the benefits of acidophilus? L. acidophilus is a species of beneficial microbial flora and has been proven to play an important role in many pathological and physiological processes. It has been shown to improve CVD and lactose intolerance, prevent and treat cancer, regulate immunity...
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    is achimenes poisonous ?

    Is Achimenes poisonous? Achimenes grandiflora is non-toxic, safe around kids and babies. 🚼 Ingestion causes minimal discomfort; watch for any signs of irritation.Jun 18, 2024
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    how do you use accouter in a sentence ?

    How do you use accouter in a sentence? A boy who runs away to join the army might first accouter himself in a camouflage jacket and steel-toed boots.
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    can two parents with achondroplasia have a normal child ?

    Can two parents with achondroplasia have a normal child? If both parents have achondroplasia there is a 50 percent chance to have a child with achondroplasia, a 25 percent chance that the child will not inherit the gene and be of average height, and a 25 percent chance that the child will...
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    why is abner important ?

    Why is Abner important? It was him, Abner! He was the one who established Ishbosheth as King – and he was the one who led Israel's armies against the armies of David! He's the reason Israel had been thrown into civil war. And now, he presents himself as the solution to the problem – as if he...
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    what surgery is an abrasion ?

    What surgery is an abrasion? Definition. Abrasion arthroplasty of the knee is a minimally-invasive surgical procedure that involves removing damaged cartilage from the knee joint surface to promote the growth of new, healthy cartilage.
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    what is the rule of acceleration ?

    What is the rule of acceleration? Newton's second law can be formally stated as, The acceleration of an object as produced by a net force is directly proportional to the magnitude of the net force, in the same direction as the net force, and inversely proportional to the mass of the object. This...
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    what is the meaning of the word absinthe ?

    What is the meaning of the word absinthe? 1. : wormwood. 2. : a green liqueur flavored with wormwood or a substitute, anise, and other aromatics.
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    what is the legacy of abraham in the bible ?

    What is the legacy of Abraham in the Bible? Abraham is considered the father of the Jewish nation. He was its first patriarch, father of Isaac and grandfather of Jacob, who was the father of the Twelve Tribes. God promised the land of Israel to Abraham's children. This promise is the basis for...
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    what is the biggest barrier to accessibility ?

    What is the biggest barrier to accessibility? Sidewalks and doorways that are too narrow for a wheelchair, scooter or walker. Desks that are too high for a person who is using a wheelchair or other mobility device. Poor lighting that makes it difficult to see for a person with low vision or a...
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    what is another word for approved or accepted ?

    What is another word for approved or accepted? Some common synonyms of approve are accredit, certify, endorse, and sanction. While all these words mean "to have or express a favorable opinion of," approve often implies no more than this but may suggest considerable esteem or admiration.Sep 6, 2024
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    what is an a abyss ?

    What is an a abyss? a very deep or unfathomable gorge or chasm. anything that appears to be endless or immeasurably deep, such as time, despair, or shame.
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    what is a synonym for poor accessibility ?

    What is a synonym for poor accessibility? out of reach, unapproachable, unreachable, unreached. inaccessibly located or situated. un-come-at-able, un-get-at-able, ungetatable. difficult to reach or attain.
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    what does the stairs symbol mean ?

    What does the stairs symbol mean? The archetypal symbol of a staircase means ascension; walking up or going up to new heights, achieving success.Jan 6, 2020
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    what does generally acceptable mean ?

    What does "generally acceptable" mean? adjective [oft adverb ADJECTIVE] Accepted ideas are agreed by most people to be correct or reasonable.
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    what does abrogate mean in law ?

    What does abrogate mean in law? To abrogate is to formally annul or repeal a law through an act of legislation, constitutional authority, or custom. For example, the Supreme Court of Michigan explained in Ferency v.
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    what are the side effects of abortifacients ?

    What are the side effects of abortifacients? Tell your doctor right away if you have any serious side effects, including: swelling hands/ankles/feet, unusual vaginal bleeding, symptoms of low level of potassium in the blood (such as muscle cramps, weakness), signs of infection (such as sore...
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    is it correct to say accommodations ?

    Is it correct to say accommodations? Often, accommodation refers to a place where someone resides and gets meals and other services. We usually write this in the plural form: accommodations. Synonyms for accommodations include room and board, living quarters, lodgings, and hotels. You also spell...