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  1. Streamr

    what drinks help lower iron ?

    What drinks help lower iron? Soy proteins can reduce absorption from plant sources. Tea, coffee and wine contain tannins that reduce iron absorption by binding to the iron and carrying it out of the body. Phytates and fibres found in wholegrains such as bran can reduce the absorption of iron and...
  2. Streamr

    what does acetobacter taste like ?

    What does Acetobacter taste like? Acetobacter. Acetobacter is less common bacteria, which is usually held to a minimum in the fermentation of most sour beers because it consumes ethanol to produce harsh-tasting acetic acid. These bacteria require a steady supply of oxygen to perform the...
  3. Streamr

    what are the benefits of acidulants ?

    What are the benefits of acidulants? Acidulants bring a range of functionality to applications, from providing tartness and enhancing flavor to extending shelf life by controlling pH which is an important contribution to managing growth of microorganisms.
  4. Streamr

    is aching considered pain ?

    Is aching considered pain? Nociceptive pain describes pain that is caused by tissue damage and/or inflammation. The sensation can be sharp, pricking, dull, or aching, depending on what caused the damage or inflammation. Examples of nociceptive pain are pain from a paper cut, an infection, a...
  5. Streamr

    how do you use accouterment in a sentence ?

    How do you use accouterment in a sentence? a clothing accessory or an accessory piece of equipment: You will need sleeping bags and other accouterments for camping. These nautical cufflinks are the perfect accouterment to any boating enthusiast's dress shirt.
  6. Streamr

    can vinegar grow bacteria ?

    Can vinegar grow bacteria? Vinegar is inexpensive, accessible, and effective in killing microbes, including bacteria and fungus. It can also be used as a safer alternative to bleach for some applications, such as cleaning.
  7. Streamr

    why is abolition necessary ?

    Why is abolition necessary? Abolition is rooted in community care to keep each other safe, not systemic and institutional racial violence. Is it unrealistic to abolish a system rooted in chattel slavery and to reimagine a society where social welfare takes over as a priority compared to...
  8. Streamr

    what symptoms would you associate with damage to the spinal accessory nerve ?

    What symptoms would you associate with damage to the spinal accessory nerve? The most common presenting symptom of SAN injury is shoulder pain, while the most common sign is limited or loss of sustained abduction of the shoulder.Mar 21, 2024
  9. Streamr

    what is the rule of accentuation ?

    What is the rule of accentuation? In a 3 or more syllable words: the accent is most often on the first or second syllable and there is often a second accent in the word as well (cel' e bra' tion and con' ver sa' tion) if the word ends with a silent -e, the third syllable from the end is accented...
  10. Streamr

    what is the meaning of the word absolvement ?

    What is the meaning of the word absolvement? (especially in religion or law) to free someone from guilt, blame, or responsibility for something: The report absolved her from/of all blame for the accident.
  11. Streamr

    what is the legal definition of abode ?

    What is the legal definition of abode? Abode means the place where a person actually lives, whether temporarily or permanently.
  12. Streamr

    what is the biggest trigger for psoriasis ?

    What is the biggest trigger for psoriasis? Common psoriasis triggers include:an injury to your skin, such as a cut, scrape, insect bite or sunburn – this is called the Koebner response.drinking excessive amounts of alcohol.smoking.stress.hormonal changes, particularly in women – for example...
  13. Streamr

    what is another word for ascension ?

    What is another word for ascension? synonyms: ascent, rise, rising. antonyms: fall. a movement downward.
  14. Streamr

    what is an abatement action ?

    What is an abatement action? Abatement of action refers to suspension or termination of legal proceedings in an action for want of proper parties or owing to a defect in the writ of service. It has the consequence of putting an end to a law suit. If the matter is to be pursued further, a new...
  15. Streamr

    what is a synonym for reflexive action ?

    What is a synonym for reflexive action? synonyms: automatic, reflex. involuntary. controlled by the autonomic nervous system; without conscious control.
  16. Streamr

    what does the term aboriginal refer to ?

    What does the term Aboriginal refer to? The native, indigenous people of a country are often called aboriginals. In Canada, the First Nations — Inuits and Métis — would be considered aboriginals. The adjective form of aboriginal is used to describe anything related to the people native to an area.
  17. Streamr

    what does get aboard mean ?

    What does get aboard mean? 1. on board; on, in, or into a ship, train, airplane, bus, etc. to step aboard. 2. alongside; to the side.
  18. Streamr

    what does abrogate mean in the bible ?

    What does abrogate mean in the Bible? In Christianity, the abrogation of Old Covenant laws is the belief that the entire Mosaic or Old Covenant as abrogated in that all of the Mosaic Laws are set aside for the Law of Christ.
  19. Streamr

    what are the side effects of abrin ?

    What are the side effects of abrin? Abrin is one of the most lethal known poison, inducing severe vomiting, high fever, drooling, highly elevated levels of nervous tension, liver failure, bladder failure, bleeding from the eyes, and convulsive seizures [24].
  20. Streamr

    is it correct to say to be absent ?

    Is it correct to say to be absent? There's no such thing as the present tense (or any tense) of “absent”, because “absent” is an adjective, not a verb. However, the “to be” verb can be used with “absent”, to form a verb phrase. For the present tense, it's grammatically correct to say: “I am...