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    is ocean acidification real ?

    Is ocean acidification real? Ocean acidification is a progressive increase in the acidity of the ocean over an extended period of time. A main cause is the absorption of human-generated carbon dioxide released into the earth's atmosphere — primarily by fossil fuel combustion and...
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    how toxic is cyanogen bromide ?

    How toxic is cyanogen bromide? * High exposure to Cyanogen Bromide can cause fatal Cyanide poisoning with flushing of the face, chest tightness, headache, nausea, vomiting, weakness, confusion, dizziness, and trouble sleeping.
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    how did sango get his powers ?

    How did Sango get his powers? HISTORY: SANGO AND HIS 3 WIVES Many years ago, there lived a great and powerful king called Sango. He was bestowed with power by his Mother's people in Nupe. His Grandfather gave him thunderbolt stones which he used to summon thunder from the sky. This power made...
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    who is azlin ?

    Who is Azlin? Azlin Rell was a human male who was once the Jedi Padawan of the Wookiee Jedi Arkoff. Rell achieved the rank of Jedi Knight by 382 BBY, during the High Republic Era.
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    what is the word for being an accessory ?

    What is the word for being an accessory? 2 (noun) in the sense of accomplice. Synonyms. accomplice. abettor. assistant.
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    what is the opposite of accelerando in music ?

    What is the opposite of accelerando in music? Often abbreviated to 'rall' on a score, rallentando is Italian for 'slowing down' – the opposite of accelerando.Jun 29, 2022
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    what is the meaning of accentus ?

    What is the meaning of accentus? ac·cen·tus. akˈsentəs. plural accentus. : the part of the church service sung or recited by the priest and his assistants at the altar usually in monotone. contrasted with concentus.
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    what is the difference between buteo and accipiter ?

    What is the difference between Buteo and Accipiter? Buteos are the large, broad-winged, short-tailed lugs with spare and labored wing beats. Accipiters are small, narrow-tailed forest dwellers with short, rapid, bursting flaps, punctuated by a glide.
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    what is prohibited in first trimester ?

    What is prohibited in first trimester? Lifestyle habits to stop or avoid during pregnancy include smoking, drinking alcohol, gaining too much weight, consuming too much caffeine, eating certain foods like raw or undercooked meat and eggs, raw sprouts, some seafood, and others.
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    what is an example of absurd ?

    What is an example of absurd? Something absurd is really silly, absolutely ridiculous, or total nonsense. Thinking you can wear flip flops and a bikini to the North Pole is an absurd idea, for example. If you run into someone dressed in an absurd outfit or watch a movie full of absurd jokes...
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    what is absolute in medicine ?

    What is absolute in medicine? In healthcare, risk refers to the probability of a bad outcome in people with the disease. Absolute risk reduction (ARR) – also called risk difference (RD) – is the most useful way of presenting research results to help your decision-making.
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    what is a good sentence for absorbed ?

    What is a good sentence for absorbed? They were completely absorbed in each other. He had discovered politics and was rapidly becoming absorbed by it. I get so absorbed in doing something that I am unaware of things happening round me.
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    what does it mean when someone says they re an academic ?

    What does it mean when someone says they're an academic? noun. a student or teacher at a college or university. a person who is academic in background, attitudes, methods, etc.: He was by temperament an academic, concerned with books and the arts. Academic, a person who supports or advocates the...
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    what does acclimatize yourself mean ?

    What does acclimatize yourself mean? : to adapt (someone) to a new temperature, altitude, climate, environment, or situation. They had to acclimate themselves to an urban lifestyle. slowly becoming acclimated to a new environment. intransitive verb.Sep 6, 2024
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    what do you call a person who loves academic ?

    What do you call a person who loves academic? A philomath (/ˈfɪləmæθ/) is a lover of learning and studying.
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    what are accentuators in histopathology ?

    What are accentuators in histopathology? e.g. Ammonium and Potassium alum for hematoxylin. Accentuators. These are substances that causes an increase in the selectively or in the staining power of dye. Thus they lead to more intense staining. e.g. Phenol in Carbol fuchsin, KOH in Mehtylene blue.
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    is acalypha indoor or outdoor ?

    Is Acalypha indoor or outdoor? Acalypha is a large genus of about 430 species of shrubs, trees, and annuals from tropical and subtropical regions. They can be used outdoors in warmer areas or grown in a greenhouse or as houseplants.
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    how do you use abstemious in a sentence with context clues ?

    How do you use abstemious in a sentence with context clues? In his habits he was very active and extremely abstemious, eating little and drinking nothing but water, customs to which he attributed his good health. These abstemious habits, he explained helped him in concentrating on his reading...
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    does abut mean touch ?

    Does abut mean touch? abut. verb. ə-ˈbət. abutted; abutting. : to touch along a border or with a part that sticks out.Sep 1, 2024
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    what is the correct meaning for abide ?

    What is the correct meaning for "abide"? to endure, sustain, or withstand without yielding or submitting: to abide a vigorous onslaught. to wait for; await: to abide the coming of the Lord.