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    is methyl benzoate an acid or base ?

    Is methyl benzoate an acid or base? Methyl benzoate is an ester. It is a very weak base, and an extremely weak acid.Jan 26, 2021
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    how to use acedia in a sentence ?

    How to use acedia in a sentence? Example Sentences He knew that he had that sentimental disorder which he called 'acedia,' and wished to be rid of it.
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    how can you tell if a girl has chlamydia ?

    How can you tell if a girl has chlamydia? Chlamydia SymptomsWhite, yellow, or gray vaginal discharge that may have an odor.Bleeding between periods.Painful periods.Lower abdominal pain.Pain when you have sex.Itching or burning in or around your vagina.Pain when you pee.Pus in your urine.More...
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    who is acacius in greek mythology ?

    Who is Acacius in Greek mythology? Acacius of Caesarea (Greek: Ἀκάκιος; date of birth unknown, died in 366) was a Christian bishop probably originating from Syria; Acacius was the pupil and biographer of Eusebius and his successor on the see of Caesarea Palestina.
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    what is the vocabulary of accelerate ?

    What is the vocabulary of accelerate? Accelerate means to speed up. A car accelerates when you step on the gas. You can accelerate the process of getting a visa if you happen to know someone who works in the consulate.
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    what is the opposite of absolutism ?

    What is the opposite of absolutism? Opposite of a government in which a single ruler (a tyrant) has absolute power. democracy. liberality.
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    what is the meaning of acataphasia ?

    What is the meaning of Acataphasia? n. the use of inappropriate or grammatically incorrect words and expressions. It is a speech disturbance frequently found in individuals with schizophrenia or aphasia.
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    what is the difference between an accelerograph and an accelerogram ?

    What is the difference between an accelerograph and an accelerogram? accelerogram The record from an accelerograph showing ground acceleration as a function of time. accelerograph A compact, rugged instrument that records the signal from an accelerometer. accelerometer An instrument used to...
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    what is overseeding in farming ?

    What is overseeding in farming? Overseeding is a seed planting technique involving planting seeds over existing crops without disturbing the soil. Timing is a critical factor when overseeding because the seeds can germinate and get moldy if they are overseeded in low light and moist situations...
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    what is an example of absorptivity ?

    What is an example of absorptivity? For example: The absorbance at a . 2 molar concentration is 0.27 and at 0.3 molar is 0.41. The absorbance values are Y-values, while concentrations are X-values. Using the equation for a line (Y2 - Y1)/(X2 - X1) = (0.41-0.27)/(0.3-0.2) = 0.14/0.1 = 1.
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    what is absconding behavior ?

    What is absconding behavior? Absconding is a term used to describe the act of running away or escaping from an institution, foster home or other place of care. The report of the 2004 Senate “Forgotten Australians” inquiry stated that 'absconding was a widely reported practice' in children's...
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    what is a fancy word for self absorbed ?

    What is a fancy word for self-absorbed? overly concerned with one's own desires, needs, or interests a self-absorbed man who seems utterly oblivious to the social problems of his own urban neighborhood. selfish. egotistical. narcissistic. egocentric.Aug 24, 2024
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    what does it mean when someone is absorbing ?

    What does it mean when someone is absorbing? : to engage or engross wholly. an interest that absorbs her completely.Sep 6, 2024
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    what do you call a person who abuses another person ?

    What do you call a person who abuses another person? An accuser is someone who accuses someone of a crime or offense—says that they are guilty of it. Doing so is called making an accusation.
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    what are abominable things to god ?

    What are abominable things to God? There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who...
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    is abysmal a bad word ?

    Is abysmal a bad word? b. Of an exceptionally poor standard or quality; extremely bad, appalling.
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    how do you use abrogative in a sentence ?

    How do you use abrogative in a sentence? abrogative in British English The small but influential Radical Party is collecting the 500,000 signatures necessary for an abrogative referendum.
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    does absolve mean forgive ?

    Does absolve mean forgive? The Latin absolvere, which means "to set free," is the root of the word absolve. In the religious sense, to be absolved means to be truly forgiven in the eyes of the Lord, which must feel like being set free. In a more mundane everyday usage, absolve can be used to...
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    what is the vintage of abiezer ?

    What is the vintage of Abiezer? Gideon responded diplomatically and satisfied the Ephraimites (Judges 8:2). The "gleaning" of Ephraim refers to the lives and spoils the Ephraimites took from the fleeing Midianites, and the "vintage" of Abiezer refers to the Midianites that Gideon and his 300 men...
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    what is the canon law abbot ?

    What is the canon law abbot? The title applied to the religious superior of an abbey; derives from the earliest years of Oriental monasticism when the aspirant to holiness chose a suitable monk, whom he called his abba (father), to teach and guide him.