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  1. Simone

    what can cause acidemia ?

    What can cause acidemia? Non-gap metabolic acidosis is primarily due to the loss of bicarbonate, and the main causes of this condition are diarrhea and renal tubular acidosis. Additional and rarer etiologies include Addison's disease, ureterosigmoid or pancreatic fistulas, acetazolamide use, and...
  2. Simone

    is it better to be accredited or certified ?

    Is it better to be accredited or certified? Accreditation focuses on evaluating the quality of an institution or program, while certification evaluates the competency of an individual. Another difference is the level of authority.
  3. Simone

    how to make acidified water ?

    How to make acidified water? Water that has been made slightly acidic by the addition of an acid substance such as lemon juice or vinegar (about 1 teaspoon to half a litre of water). Peeled fruits and vegetables such as apples, pears, celeriac, globe artichokes and salsify are immersed in...
  4. Simone

    does the brain use acetoacetate ?

    Does the brain use acetoacetate? Glucose is the main substrate that fulfills energy brain demands. However, in some circumstances, such as diabetes, starvation, during the suckling period and the ketogenic diet, brain uses the ketone bodies, acetoacetate and beta-hydroxybutyrate, as energy sources.
  5. Simone

    which sin is an abomination ?

    Which sin is an abomination? With this declaration, Alma identified for Corianton the three most abominable sins in the sight of God: (1) denying the Holy Ghost, (2) shedding innocent blood, and (3) committing sexual sin. Adultery was third to murder and the sin against the Holy Ghost as...
  6. Simone

    what is the use of accelerograph ?

    What is the use of accelerograph? Accelerographs record the acceleration of the ground with respect to time. This recording is often called an accelerograms, strong-motion record or acceleration time-history. From this record strong-motion intensity measures (IMs, also called parameters) can be...
  7. Simone

    what is the noun of absolve ?

    What is the noun of absolve? noun. /ˌæbsəˈluːʃn/ /ˌæbsəˈluːʃn/ [uncountable, countable] absolution (for something) formal release from blame for doing something wrong.
  8. Simone

    what is the meaning of abwab ?

    What is the meaning of abwab? In Mughal India, all temporary and circumstantial (miscellaneous) taxes and impositions levied by the government over and above regular taxes were called abwabs. It meant all irregular impositions like house tax, grazing tax, irrigation tax etc.
  9. Simone

    what is the difference between accelerators and accentuators ?

    What is the difference between accelerators and accentuators? Examples of accentuators are phenol in carbol thionin and carbol fuchsin, and potassium hydroxide in Loffler's methylene blue. Accentuators when used with metallic salt and is applied during impregnation of nervous system are called...
  10. Simone

    what is meant by accelerators ?

    What is meant by accelerators? : a device (such as a gas pedal) for increasing the speed of a motor vehicle engine. c. : a substance that speeds a chemical reaction.Aug 30, 2024
  11. Simone

    what is an example of aboard ?

    What is an example of aboard? on or onto a ship, plane, bus, or train synonym on board We went aboard. He was already aboard the plane. The plane crashed, killing all 157 passengers aboard. All aboard!
  12. Simone

    what is abrader ?

    What is Abrader? abrader Add to list Share. Definitions of abrader. noun. a tool or machine used for wearing down or smoothing or polishing. synonyms: abradant.
  13. Simone

    what is a brase ?

    What is a brase? verb. barge [verb] to move (about) clumsily. Henry drunkenly barged about the room. crash [verb] to drive or be driven violently (against, into)Sep 4, 2024
  14. Simone

    what does it mean to provide accommodation ?

    What does it mean to provide accommodation? Reasonable Accommodation is any modification or adjustment to a job, the work environment that enables a qualified individual with a disability to have equal employment opportunity.
  15. Simone

    what does accentual pattern mean ?

    What does accentual pattern mean? relating to the use of accents (= special emphasis given to particular syllables, words, or sounds) in a language, in poetry, etc.: All languages have some kind of rhythmical or accentual structure. The accentual system makes some syllables and words in...
  16. Simone

    what do acanthocephalans do ?

    What do acanthocephalans do? Acanthocephala is a phylum of parasitic pseudocoelomates that infect a wide range of vertebrate and invertebrate hosts and can cause zoonotic infections in humans.Oct 19, 2021
  17. Simone

    is absolver harder than sifu ?

    Is Absolver harder than Sifu? On Student difficulty, you only age by 1 year on every death (the number doesn't scale), and you can make yourself younger by spending some XP on shrines in a level. You said that you enjoyed Absolver - which is interesting, because I found that game harder than...
  18. Simone

    how do you treat nmda syndrome ?

    How do you treat NMDA syndrome? Treatment protocols consist of supportive measures, immunotherapy, and tumor removal, when present. Generally, first-line immunotherapies for this condition consist of high-dose steroids, IV immunoglobulin (IVIg), and plasma exchange (PE).Jan 29, 2016
  19. Simone

    does abilify give you energy ?

    Does Abilify give you energy? Does abilify give you energy? No, Abilify will not increase your alertness and energy level. They tend to be more sedative in nature. This drug will help you to reduce the psychotic symptoms and help to stabilize your mood.
  20. Simone

    what is the strongest word for abhor ?

    What is the strongest word for abhor? Some common synonyms of abhor are abominate, detest, hate, and loathe. While all these words mean "to feel strong aversion or intense dislike for," abhor implies a deep often shuddering repugnance. When can abominate be used instead of abhor? In some...