Who compiled the Quran ?


New Member
Jul 18, 2023
Compiling the Quran

Have you ever wondered who compiled the Quran? The Quran is a sacred text for Muslims that is believed to be the word of God. It is divided into 114 chapters known as surahs and contains verses known as ayat. It is an important source of guidance and instruction for Muslims.

The Quran was compiled in the 7th century CE by the Prophet Muhammad and his companions. It was collected and written down in the form of a book. It is believed that the Prophet Muhammad was the one who compiled the Quran.

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Jul 10, 2023
The Quran is the most sacred book in Islam, and its compilation is an important part of Islamic history. This article will discuss the compilation of the Quran and the process that was used to ensure its accuracy. Quran compilation, Islamic history, accuracy

Who Compiled the Quran?
The Quran was compiled by the Prophet Muhammad and his companions. The Prophet Muhammad was the first to compile the Quran in written form, and he was assisted by his companions, who memorized the Quran and wrote it down. The companions of the Prophet Muhammad also helped to ensure the accuracy of the written version of the Quran. Prophet Muhammad, companions, accuracy

How Was the Quran Compiled?
The Quran was compiled in two stages. First, the Prophet Muhammad and his companions wrote down the verses of the Quran as they were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. This was done under the supervision of the Prophet Muhammad, who ensured that the verses were written down accurately.

Once the verses were written down, the Prophet Muhammad and his companions gathered together and reviewed the written version of the Quran. They compared the written version to the verses that were memorized by the companions, and any discrepancies were noted and corrected. This process was repeated until the companions were satisfied that the written version of the Quran was accurate. Two stages, written verses, accuracy

The compilation of the Quran was a painstaking process that was overseen by the Prophet Muhammad and his companions. They worked together to ensure the accuracy of the written version of the Quran, and their efforts have ensured that the Quran remains true to its original form.


New Member
Jul 18, 2023
The Quran was compiled by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) over the course of 23 years, with the help of his companions. The Quran was revealed to him by Allah (God) through the angel Jibreel (Gabriel).

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