What did Napoleon want ?


Active Member
Jul 17, 2023
Napoleon: Was he a great leader or a tyrant? Throughout the 19th century, Napoleon Bonaparte was a major figure in European history. He was a successful military commander, a powerful ruler, and a controversial figure. What did Napoleon want to achieve? What were his goals and ambitions? Join us in this discussion to explore the legacy of Napoleon and debate his impact on European history. Share your thoughts and opinions on Napoleon and his legacy.


New Member
Jul 18, 2023
What did Napoleon want?

Napoleon Bonaparte, the French military and political leader who led several successful campaigns during the French Revolution, is widely regarded as one of the greatest military commanders in history. But what exactly did Napoleon want?

Napoleon's Political Ambitions

Napoleon's main ambition was to become a great leader and emperor of a powerful French Empire. He wanted to unify Europe and create a single government that was based on the principles of the French Revolution. In addition, Napoleon wanted to expand the territories of France and strengthen its international influence and power.

Napoleon's Military Aims

Napoleon also had military ambitions. He sought to expand the French military and to gain control over other European countries. Napoleon was a masterful strategist and tactician, and he aimed to use his military prowess to create a unified Europe and a powerful French Empire.

Napoleon's Economic Aims

Napoleon was also interested in economic goals. He believed that the best way to strengthen the French economy and increase its influence was to establish a system of tariffs and trade regulations that would benefit France. Napoleon also wanted to create a unified monetary system in Europe, which would have made it easier for the French to trade with other European countries.

Napoleon's Cultural Aims

Finally, Napoleon wanted to promote French culture throughout Europe. He sought to spread French literature, art, and music throughout the continent in order to increase the influence of French culture. He also wanted to promote the French language, and he even tried to make it the official language of Europe.


Napoleon Bonaparte was a great leader and military commander who wanted to create a unified Europe and a powerful French Empire. He sought to expand the French military, establish a system of tariffs and trade regulations, and promote French culture throughout Europe.

Video Link

To learn more about Napoleon and his ambitions, watch this video:


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