Satoshi Nakamoto Says - The Blockchain Is Telling A Story About Justice [trust-doesnt-scale]


New Member
Jul 18, 2023
Chris Ellis is a busy journalist. I’ve been following Chris’s work, as he’s been writing, streaming and recording crypto-currency related events for nearly two years. Chris uses Proof of Publishing techniques for some of his investigative and identity ventures. PoP being a main topic in my documentary research, I sat with Chris to record a very long conversation-interview. Selected cuts below, I hope you enjoy. Follow @MrChrisEllis

Tags: Bitcoin, Blockchain, Borderless, Chris Ellis, Developers, London, Network, Open-source, Proof of Publishing

The content of The Blockchain Is Telling A Story About Justice [trust-doesnt-scale] is being shared to archive the content previously shared by Satoshi Nakamoto.