Listing Cryptocurrencies on Exchanges Worry-Free


Jul 9, 2023
Listing Cryptocurrencies on Exchanges Worry-Free

Cryptocurrencies are gaining
a lot of popularity recently – and with popularity, comes many businesses
looking to enter the field. Blockchain is attracting many legitimate
businesses looking to apply the technology to their products, but at the same
time many less savory characters have also started schemes to scam
projects and investors. These days, they do so mainly by spoofing emails
or creating fake identities. Spoof emails have become a popular practice in a
scammer’s toolkit. It is a technique in which a scammer sends an
email from any working SMTP server, setting the “from” email to whichever
exchange or influencer he wants the user to receive the email
from. If this email doesn’t get flagged as spam by the receiving inbox, the
project developer will see that the email was sent from that
exchange. If it seems legitimate enough, a developer may then process
payment and the scammer gets away with it. The other way, creating fake
identities, usually goes like this: The scammer creates a fake LinkedIn profile
and adds relevant people who may be interested, and then waits for a response.
When someone accepts the add or contacts them, they propose for the team to pay
a fee to be approved for listing, and sends a spoof email. Once they
receive the payment, they delete that profile or stop responding. If you want to
verify the legitimacy of an email, send a message and wait for other party to
respond. Contact an official representative of that exchange, and ask for
the exchange’s email. Email the correspondent directly, and ask that
person to reply that email. With these technical tricks, investors and companies
can find it very difficult to spot scammers, as there is lack of
information and reporting about these illegitimate players. When a
project developer does get scammed, however, they may become extremely
wary of all service providers, and consider all future offers they receive on
email or Telegram as scams – thereby losing the benefit of some great services
that might have helped them further develop their projects. (GOE) is a one-stop solution aimed at project
developers to help them get listed on multiple exchanges.
It keeps projects away from the scammers attempting to swindle
project developers in the name of helping them list on top
exchanges, or purporting to help them get reviews by popular YouTubers.
GetOnExchange has partnered more than 25 exchanges including OKEx,
HitBTC, KuCoin, LBank, and more, as well as YouTubers from different regions
reviewing crypto-related projects. Project developers can simply
use GOE after raising their ICO rounds to get listings and reviews, and keep
their businesses safe from scammers. Some exchanges can also be risky to
work with. In the past, some exchanges, many of which offered free crypto
listings, closed down due to hacks, and took all investor and trader funds with
it. Exchanges can also be hard to evaluate, as it is hard to do the full
breadth of due diligence to know who operates it and if they have proper
safeguards in place. Hence, factors such as exchange age, number of
followers on social media, and actual users and volume, are important
metrics to consider when looking to list on any exchange. Additionally,
in order to be listed on CoinMarketCap, a project will also need
to be on at least two exchanges which are already listed on the site;
this helps users to monitor such exchanges’ volume and performance over
time, and is the minimum requirement to properly calculate each project’s
volume. When planning to list on an exchange, projects not already listed on
CoinMarketCap will need to note a few things, such as: Listing on top
exchanges is based on review and listing is possible only when an exchange
approves your project for listing. plays an important role
here in helping projects find the right exchanges according to their service and
operating region. Please email GetOnExchange for more details or check their
website for more details.