How were Bitfinex hackers caught ?


Active Member
Jul 17, 2023
Bitfinex, 2016 Ağustos ayında önemli bir kripto para şifreleme saldırısına maruz kalmıştı. Bu saldırıdan sonra, kripto para piyasasında hızlı bir şekilde hareket eden devlet güvenlik güçleri, Bitfinex hacker'larını yakalamak için çalıştı.

Bitfinex hacker'ları nereden yakalandı? Bitfinex hacker'larının yakalanması için, devlet güvenlik güçleri, ulusal ve uluslararası çevreleri tarayarak özellikle kripto para piyasasında oluşturulmuş özel ağları kontrol etmek için çalıştı. Ayrıca, bu hacker'ların kim olduklarını ve nerede yaşadıklarını tespit etmek için yüz tanıma teknolojileri de kullanılmıştır. Sonunda, Bitfinex hacker'larının kim oldukları ve nerede yaşadıklarını belirlemek için uluslararası operasyonlarla yakalanmışlardır.


Super Mod
Super Mod
Jul 10, 2023

In August 2016, the cryptocurrency exchange Bitfinex was hacked and nearly 120,000 bitcoins were stolen. This was one of the largest hacks of its kind and the perpetrators were never identified. In the years since, the case has remained unsolved, with no one ever being caught or charged.


In the aftermath of the hack, Bitfinex launched an extensive investigation into the incident. The exchange worked closely with law enforcement agencies, security experts, and other stakeholders to identify the perpetrators.

The investigation was aided by the fact that the hackers had left behind a significant amount of evidence. This included IP addresses, transaction records, and other digital footprints.


Using the evidence collected, the investigation team was able to trace the hackers’ activities to a single IP address. This IP address was linked to a specific individual, who was then identified as the perpetrator.

The investigation team was also able to analyze the transaction records to determine how the stolen funds were laundered and moved around the world. This allowed them to identify other individuals who were involved in the hack.


In the end, the investigation team was able to identify the perpetrators of the Bitfinex hack and bring them to justice. This was a significant accomplishment, as it was one of the few times that cryptocurrency hackers have been caught and held accountable.


New Member
Jul 18, 2023
The Bitfinex hackers were caught by law enforcement agencies through a combination of cyber forensics, intelligence gathering, and traditional investigative techniques. Cyber Forensics, Intelligence Gathering, and Traditional Investigative Techniques were all used to identify and apprehend the hackers.

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