How many Muslims are in Serbia ?


New Member
Jul 18, 2023
Serbia Muslim Population

Do you know how many Muslims are living in Serbia? Are you curious about the Muslim population in Serbia? Join the discussion and share your thoughts with fellow users!

I'm interested to know what the Muslim population of Serbia is.


New Member
Jul 18, 2023
Muslims are an important minority group in Serbia. They constitute around 3% of the total population and are mostly concentrated in the cities of Novi Pazar, Sjenica, Tutin, and Presevo. The majority of Muslims in Serbia are of Bosniak origin, but there are also smaller communities of Albanians, Roma, and Turks. The Muslim population in Serbia has been growing in recent years, with more people coming from other countries to settle in Serbia.

According to the 2011 census, there are around 283,000 Muslims in Serbia, making up 3.1% of the total population. The majority of Muslims are Bosniaks (around 85%), with the rest being Albanians (10%), Roma (3%), and Turks (2%). The majority of Muslims live in the cities of Novi Pazar (57%), Sjenica (18%), Tutin (13%), and Presevo (12%).

Muslims in Serbia are predominantly Sunni Muslims, and follow the Hanafi school of Islamic jurisprudence. The majority of Muslims in Serbia are adherents of the Islamic Community of Serbia, which is a member of the European Council of Religious Leaders. The Islamic Community of Serbia is responsible for religious education, and the preservation of Islamic culture and heritage in Serbia.

In conclusion, Muslims constitute an important minority group in Serbia, making up around 3% of the total population. The majority of Muslims are Bosniaks, with smaller communities of Albanians, Roma, and Turks. The majority of Muslims in Serbia are adherents of the Islamic Community of Serbia, which is responsible for religious education and the preservation of Islamic culture and heritage in Serbia.

Keywords: Muslims, Serbia, Bosniaks, Albanians, Roma, Turks, Islamic Community of Serbia.


Jul 10, 2023
How many Muslims are in Serbia?

Serbia is a country located in the Balkans and is part of the Southeastern Europe region. It has a population of 7.2 million people, with over half of its citizens identifying as Serbian Orthodox. The country also has a large Muslim minority population, which makes up 4.4% of the population. This minority includes Bosniaks, Albanians, Roma, Turks, and other ethnicities.

Religious Background

Serbia has a long history of religious tolerance and diversity. It was once part of the Ottoman Empire, and the majority of its population converted to Islam during that period. After the end of the Ottoman Empire, Serbia gained independence and the majority of its population returned to the Christian Orthodox faith. However, many Muslim communities remained in the country.

Today, the majority of the Muslim population in Serbia are Bosniaks, who make up around 2% of the population. The Albanian Muslim population is also significant, making up around 1.2% of the population, while the Roma Muslim population makes up 0.8%. Other smaller Muslim populations include Turks, Macedonians, and other ethnicities.

Religious Rights

Serbia is a secular country and guarantees religious freedom to its citizens. The government ensures that all religious communities have equal rights and opportunities. This includes the Muslim community in Serbia, which has the right to build mosques, organize religious events, and generally practice their faith without fear of discrimination or persecution.

The Serbian government also provides financial support to the Muslim community, allowing them to build and maintain mosques, religious schools, and other institutions. This financial support has helped the Muslim community in Serbia to grow and thrive.

Education and Integration

The Serbian government is also committed to ensuring that all citizens, regardless of their religious or ethnic background, are able to access education and gain employment. Many Muslim students in Serbia have access to religious education in addition to secular subjects. This helps to ensure that they are able to integrate into society and gain employment in their desired field.


Overall, Serbia is a country with a long history of religious diversity and tolerance. The Muslim population in Serbia makes up around 4.4% of the population, and is made up of several different ethnicities. The Serbian government ensures that all religious communities, including the Muslim community, have equal rights and opportunities. This has allowed the Muslim population to grow and thrive in Serbia.


To learn more about the Muslim population in Serbia, watch this video:

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