Bitcoin 2019 Is Coming


Jul 10, 2023
Bitcoin 2019 Is Coming

By Bitcoin 2019 As crypto winter begins
to thaw and the frost starts to melt from the leaves of the token forest, a
renewed sense of excitement is beginning to build in the Bitcoin
community. Bitcoin has survived another down cycle of “mass
hysteria,” “death spirals” and “China bans.” It was called “rat poison squared”
by the most prolific investor of this millennium, “a scam” by the CEO of one of
the largest investment banks in the world and a “speculator’s death cult” by a
mainstream tech blog. Despite all the recent cynicism and misinformation
directed toward it, Bitcoin is still here, ready to begin its next,
biggest growth cycle. It remains unwavering in its underlying principles
of decentralization, antifragility and censorship resistance. We at BTC Inc are
excited to help contribute to Bitcoin’s growth, particularly at this
critical time. Dedicated to incubating the BTC community, the
Bitcoin 2019 conference will be held on June 25 and 26 in San
Francisco. Bitcoin 2019 is our attempt to provide users, developers and
the industry at large with an annual expo where we can collaborate, learn and
inspire each other. The conference is a homage to Bitcoin 2013,
the first major Bitcoin conference ever — a magical moment when
the Bitcoin community was unified and nerds filled the hotel lobby
until the early morning while dreaming about what Bitcoin could become.
This sense of shared wonder and spontaneous commitment to realizing
Bitcoin’s potential is a critical part of rekindling the BTC
community. Bitcoin 2019 is exclusively focused on Nakamoto-
consensus Bitcoin, referred to as “BTC.” All people are invited to
participate as long as they are there to talk about BTC. Bitcoin 2019 is
not a “Bitcoin maximalist” event or even an “anti-any-other-crypto-or-
fork” event. It’s just a BTC event. The focus is on moving past scaling debates
to talk about how we can improve the Bitcoin we have today without
breaking consensus. The content will be focused on Bitcoin’s potential
and identifying goals that the community can rally behind. As part of this
focus, we will welcome old and new faces, representing a diverse range of
ideological views, to each check their past baggage (and bags) at the door and
rediscover what unites us. From the biggest miners and most active core devs to
Fortune 500 companies and anarcho-capitalists, Bitcoin 2019 will seek to
unite the Bitcoin community in an industry-wide event. Leading up to the
conference, we will be hosting the Bitcoin Games, a virtual hackathon for
both developers and creatives. From a “Growth Hack” with the goal of creating
the best “Bitcoin Super Bowl commercial,” to a “Lightning Hack” with the
goal of building new applications and infrastructure atop Bitcoin’s
Lightning Network, to a just-announced, first-ever “Liquid Hack” with the goal
of helping create some of the first great projects using Blockstream’s Liquid
Network, the Bitcoin Games really will be a first-of-its-kind hackathon
for the Bitcoin space. Stay tuned for more announcements around it!
During the conference we’ll have wide-ranging content, plenty of opportunities
for networking and both official and unofficial parties. One more thing: this is
a drama-free zone. We don’t want to hear about your Bitcoin 2.0 protocol
and we don’t care about what has been said on Crypto Twitter in the past. This
is an opportunity to focus on what excites all of us. It’s time to bring
Bitcoin to the forefront of the global conversation and it’s time to make
Bitcoin fun again. So come join us for this can’t-miss gathering of the Bitcoin
space! Tickets are going fast and once we’re sold out, not even Satoshi himself
will be able to get a ticket. See you there!