#262 Brian Behlendorf_ Hyperledger - From Blockchain Hype to Production Networks


Jul 9, 2023
Click to download audio version Most observers of the ecosystem will probably
agree that 2015-2017 were the years of the enterprise blockchain.
It was during that time that many startups catering to enterprise were founded
and funded, including Monax and Stratumn (where Brian and Sebastien previously
worked). For the permissioned blockchain camp, adoption would come in the form
of enterprise use cases, arguing that public networks carried too much risk, and
lacked needed features like privacy. While much of the hype has subsided, large
companies in every sector are forming consortia and leveraging blockchain to
provide better process traceability and transparency, and reduce their reliance
on third parties. We're joined by Brian Behlendorf, Executive Director of
Hyperledger. When Brian was last on the show, he had recently started his role
at the Linux Foundation. Now, two years later, Hyperledger has gone from a
nascent project to a mature ecosystem of technologies with hundreds of members.
With dozens of networks in production, and backed by companies like IBM,
Hyperleger is the most widely used blockchain technology for permissioned
networks. Topics discussed in this episode: Links mentioned in this episode:
Hyperledger website Hyperledger Global Forum Unbounded - To Network with
Networks Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railroad - Wikipedia
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Epicenter is hosted by Brian Fabian Crain, Sébastien Couture, Meher Roy & Sunny