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    is there such a word as reoccur ?

    Is there such a word as reoccur? Both recur and reoccur can mean "to happen or appear again." Reoccur is most often used in this way. Recur is used in this way but also suggests periodic or frequent repetition.
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    is age 20 an adolescence ?

    Is age 20 an adolescence? adolescence, transitional phase of growth and development between childhood and adulthood. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines an adolescent as any person between ages 10 and 19. This age range falls within WHO's definition of young people, which refers to...
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    how to use tba ?

    How to use TBA? tba | Business English written abbreviation for to be announced, to be arranged, to be agreed, or to be advised: used to say that details about an event or activity are not yet available and will be announced, arranged, etc. later: Next meeting on November 12, venue tba. What is...
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    how do you use adscititious in a sentence ?

    How do you use adscititious in a sentence? Example SentencesWe rob them of their amusing but adscititious qualities; we make them utterly uninteresting to precisely 99.
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    how did sumerians measure weight ?

    How did Sumerians measure weight? The Sumerians had standard measurements of length, area and volume. The mina was the standard weight measurement.
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    did augustine have a child out of wedlock ?

    Did Augustine have a child out of wedlock? Augustine led an immoral life. He had a child out of wedlock, embraced heretical teachings, and was even a thief. He was, in fact, raised in the Catholic faith but never baptized until later in life (a common practice in the fourth century that he later...
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    what is the verb of acquittal ?

    What is the verb of acquittal? verb. ac·quit ə-ˈkwit. acquitted; acquitting. 1. : to declare innocent of a crime or wrongdoing.
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    what is the meaning of asthesia ?

    What is the meaning of asthesia? : lack or loss of strength : debility.
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    what is the application of acridine orange ?

    What is the application of acridine orange? Acridine orange is useful in the rapid screening of ordinarily sterile specimens. When acridine orange is used with flow cytometry, the differential stain is used to measure DNA denaturation and the cellular content of DNA versus RNA in individual...
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    what is actinic effect ?

    What is actinic effect? An actinic effect is a chemical effect, either organic or inorganic, caused by radiant energy. Such effects are central to theories of the origin of life and its subsequent evolution; so there is a rather fundamen- tal force attributed to actinism.
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    what does the acorn mean in life ?

    What does the acorn mean in life? The acorn is a very popular literary and decorative motif in Greek and Roman culture that was used by many ancient authors to symbolise fertility and the possibility of creating new life. It was used as a decoration with this significance on many everyday...
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    what do the letters acme stand for ?

    What do the letters Acme stand for? ACME is from the Greek for 'highest point'. In English, acme usually means the peak of perfection, a concept which easily transfers over to the fictitious name of a company in a film, book, or whatever.
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    is erythromelalgia life threatening ?

    Is erythromelalgia life threatening? Erythromelalgia (EM) is a rare condition affecting the feet and sometimes the hands. It causes episodic or continuous intense burning pain, severe redness, and skin warmth. The condition is not fatal, but it can cause severe discomfort that affects the...
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    how do you fix acrocyanosis ?

    How do you fix acrocyanosis? In newborns, acrocyanosis is typical and resolves without treatment. Secondary acrocyanosis can be serious, depending on the underlying cause. See your doctor if you have symptoms of acrocyanosis. They can determine whether there's an underlying condition that needs...
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    why god called us according to the bible ?

    Why God called us according to the Bible? The Bible tells us that God has called us into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ.... Our primary calling is not tied to our employment.... God values us for who we are, not for what we can produce or achieve within work. God's call to us is an...
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    what is the word dinah ?

    What is the word Dinah? Dinah is a girl's name that means both “justified” and “God will judge.” The Hebrew name appears in the bible as Jacob's only daughter, but is also a prominent name in various books and stories. Dinah even makes an appearance as Alice's cat in Alice in Wonderland.Sep 6, 2024
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    what is the meaning of the accusative word ?

    What is the meaning of the accusative word? In the grammar of some languages, the accusative, or the accusative case, is the case used for a noun when it is the direct object of a verb, or the object of some prepositions. In English, only the pronouns `me,' `him,' `her,' `us,' and `them' are in...
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    what is the deeper meaning of accountability ?

    What is the deeper meaning of accountability? It is the idea that an individual is responsible for their actions and, if that individual chooses unfavorable actions, they will face consequences. Accountability strives to promote a high level of work, promote honesty, encourage dependability, and...
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    what is an example of akkusativ in a sentence ?

    What is an example of Akkusativ in a sentence? Uses Of Accusative CasesShe ate an apple. The direct object is “an apple.”They are reading a book. The direct object is “a book.”He hit the ball. The direct object is “the ball.”
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    what is a synonym for accusative ?

    What is a synonym for accusative? synonyms: accusatory, accusing, accusive. inculpative, inculpatory. causing blame to be imputed to.