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  1. L

    is the word known an adjective ?

    Is the word known an adjective? known adjective [not gradable] (HAVE UNDERSTANDING) generally understood or proven: There is no known reason for the accident. It is a known fact that he started out a poor man.
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    is advisor or adviser correct ?

    Is advisor or adviser correct? 'Advisor' and 'adviser' are both accepted spellings of the same word according many authoritative sources. Both mean a person who gives counsel or advice. It is the noun form of the verb advise. However, 'adviser' is the older spelling and the one most commonly...
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    how to reduce drag ?

    How to reduce drag? 10 Ways to Reduce Frontal DragKeep the body aligned. ... Keep the head down. ... Pull underwater with a high elbow. ... Wear the fastest technology racing suit possible. ... Shave all the hair from your body. ... Streamline off the start and all turns for a pool swim. ...
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    how do you use adharma in a sentence ?

    How do you use adharma in a sentence? Adharma in this case means the medium of rest. As a result of this adharma it did not rain for one hundred years.
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    how can i be born again ?

    How can I be born again? First, we must admit our sin—that we can't live up to God's perfect standard on our own. Then we must ask forgiveness for that sin and repent, which means to make every effort in turning away from that sin. Finally, we ask Jesus to be part of our lives.
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    can you say someone is adaptive ?

    Can you say someone is adaptive? Use adaptive to describe people who are flexible — they don't lose their cool when plans change quickly and they are always willing to learn new ways to do things. Being adaptive helps you sail along in today's ever-changing world.
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    will keanu reeves be in the acolyte ?

    Will Keanu Reeves be in The Acolyte? We've learned a few things in the aftermath of the cancelation of The Acolyte last week. One of the big ones was that Keanu Reeves was one of the candidates to play Master Sol, and though it didn't work out schedule-wise, the actor may come back in the future...
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    what is the synonym of acquaint ?

    What is the synonym of acquaint? Some common synonyms of acquaint are apprise, inform, and notify. While all these words mean "to make one aware of something," acquaint lays stress on introducing to or familiarizing with. acquaint yourself with the keyboard.
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    what is the meaning of acros ?

    What is the meaning of acros? 1. denoting something at a height, summit, top, tip, beginning, or end.
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    what is the acrostic poem meaning ?

    What is the acrostic poem meaning? An acrostic poem is a type of poetry where the first, last or other letters in a line spell out a particular word or phrase. The most common and simple form of an acrostic poem is where the first letters of each line spell out the word or phrase.
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    what is acromiohumeral ?

    What is acromiohumeral? : of, relating to, or affecting the acromion and humerus.
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    what does nyctophile mean ?

    What does nyctophile mean? Meaning of nyctophilia in English the condition of being very happy and comfortable in the dark: Nyctophilia is a condition that makes you want to sit in the dark all by yourself late at night, wide awake.
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    what counts as acrobatics ?

    What counts as acrobatics? What is acrobatics? Acrobatics is one of the cornerstones of circus and contains many different disciplines. However, when we refer to acrobatics, we usually mean doing somersaults, handstands and performing various tricks on the floor.
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    is actually a good word to use ?

    Is actually a good word to use? 1 – “Actually” becomes a distracting filler word. All fillers have the same effect. Use 'actually' too many times and whoever you're speaking to is going to be anticipating your next use of the word rather than look forward to what you are going to tell them.
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    how do acquirers make money ?

    How do acquirers make money? The acquiring bank typically charges the Merchant Services Provider a small licensing fee that is passed through to the merchant (you), and that's usually blended in with the merchant pricing.
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    why did the oahu tree snail go extinct ?

    Why did the Oahu tree snail go extinct? The declines can mostly be attributed to invasive predators, including rats (Rattus rattus) and other rodents, Jackson's chameleons (Trioceros jacksonii), and, ironically enough, another snail — a predatory species called the rosy wolfsnail (Euglandina...
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    what is the use of acetoxime ?

    What is the use of acetoxime? AcetoximeCAS No. 127-06-0.Synomyms: propan-2-one oxime; 2-Propanone oxime; N-propan-2-ylidenehydroxylamine;Acetone oxime is a ketoxime. It is usually used as oxygen scavenger in power plants, passivator in industrial cleaning and anti-corrosion projects, passivating...
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    what is the meaning of budapest ?

    What is the meaning of Budapest? noun. the capital of Hungary, on the River Danube: formed in 1873 from the towns of Buda and Pest. Traditionally Buda, the old Magyar capital, was the administrative and Pest the trade centre: suffered severely in the Russian siege of 1945 and in the unsuccessful...
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    what is the cause of haglund s deformity ?

    What is the cause of Haglund's deformity? Haglund's deformity commonly develops from wearing shoes with rigid backs, such as pumps, men's dress shoes, and ice or roller skates, which put pressure on the back of the heel.
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    what is an example of accordance in a sentence ?

    What is an example of accordance in a sentence? The monks pray at least six times a day, in accordance with the canonical hours of the liturgy. In accordance to the plea deal, Flake will be sentenced in September to a prison term of 22 years. The boy, in accordance with store policy, left the...