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  1. Benjamin

    is it project advisor or adviser ?

    Is it project advisor or adviser? It's adviser, NOT advisor. While the "o" version is not grammatically incorrect, the "e" version abides to UNL Style Guide rules. Furthermore, most major publications, whether in the U.S., the U.K. or elsewhere in the English-speaking world, prefer "adviser."
  2. Benjamin

    is administer the same as manage ?

    Is administer the same as manage? Management refers to a broader terminology that indicates several functions. These including planning, staffing, organizing, monitoring, supervising and leading. On the other hand, administration is an action which involves the implementation of rules...
  3. Benjamin

    how often should you do acupressure ?

    How often should you do acupressure? If you hold individual acupressure points for a very long time, once a day, or even once every other day will be sufficient. If, on the other hand, the duration of the acupressure treatment is relatively short, you can then perform the acupressure three to...
  4. Benjamin

    how do you say actionable ?

    How do you say actionable? 0:060:26Julien MiquelYouTube·Sep 28, 2022How to Pronounce ActionableYouTube·Julien Miquel·Sep 28, 2022YouTubeIn this video"...Stay tuned to the channel to learn more actionable stress on the first syllable Ark shun are bull actionable birth professional American...
  5. Benjamin

    does aerobic mean cardio ?

    Does aerobic mean cardio? Aerobic exercise is cardiovascular exercise, or cardio, that gets your heart pumping. During aerobic exercise, your blood pumps quickly throughout your body and your lungs take in more oxygen.Jul 14, 2023
  6. Benjamin

    can balding hair regrow ?

    Can balding hair regrow? You might be able to reverse hair loss, or at least slow it. With some conditions, such as patchy hair loss (alopecia areata), hair may regrow without treatment within a year. Treatments for hair loss include medications and surgery.Jan 19, 2024
  7. Benjamin

    why are acrylates bad for your skin ?

    Why are acrylates bad for your skin? Both receiving and applying acrylate-containing artificial nails have caused allergic contact dermatitis (ACD). ACD damages and deforms nails and inflames skin on fingers, hands, eyelids, and face.
  8. Benjamin

    what is the personality of someone with acromegaly ?

    What is the personality of someone with acromegaly? Acromegaly symptoms Metabolic disorders are also present in many patients. In addition to the physical impact, psychological symptoms can occur, such as changes in personality and self-esteem, distortion of body image, relationship problems...
  9. Benjamin

    what is the larva coming out of fly ?

    What is the larva coming out of fly? The larva, or maggot, is the main feeding stage of the fly. On hatching, first-instar larvae are roughly 2 mm long, growing to about 5 mm before shedding their skin. The second instar larvae grow to around 10 mm before they shed their skins to become...
  10. Benjamin

    what is it called when something is across ?

    What is it called when something is across? astride athwart beyond over. across (adverb as in from one side to another; transversely) Strongest matches. crossways crosswise transversely.
  11. Benjamin

    what is a synonym for the word acquaintanceship ?

    What is a synonym for the word acquaintanceship? acquaintance affiliation agreement assistance camaraderie companionship comradeship conjunction familiarity fellowship fraternization friendliness hookup intimacy membership participation relation relationship. Weak match. frequenting...
  12. Benjamin

    what does dystocia mean ?

    What does dystocia mean? “Labor dystocia”— difficult or obstructed labor2—encompasses a variety of concepts, ranging from “abnormally” slow dilation of the cervix or descent of the fetus during active labor3 to entrapment of the fetal shoulders after delivery of the head (“shoulder dystocia,” an...
  13. Benjamin

    what are the early stages of scleroderma in the hands ?

    What are the early stages of scleroderma in the hands? Early Symptoms of Scleroderma The fingers may become: Highly sensitive to the cold and change color with cold or emotional stress (the symptoms of Raynaud's phenomenon) Stiff and puffy.
  14. Benjamin

    is acknowledged a good reply ?

    Is acknowledged a good reply? It Builds Trust: By acknowledging an email promptly, you show the sender that their communication is valued, building trust in your professional relationship.
  15. Benjamin

    do i have frigophobia ?

    Do I have Frigophobia? Common psychological frigophobia symptoms include: Dread, worry, or sense of impending doom at being cold, having cold extremities, or losing vitality due to cold.Sep 29, 2020
  16. Benjamin

    which plant pollen grain causes allergy ?

    Which plant pollen grain causes allergy? The pollen grain of the parthenium plant causes allergies in humans. Parthenium is also known as carrot grass. It is invasive plant species and was imported along with wheat.
  17. Benjamin

    what is the role of acetoacetate in lipid metabolism ?

    What is the role of acetoacetate in lipid metabolism? Acetoacetate is a better precursor for the synthesis of fatty acids and cholesterol than glucose, presumably because it can be used directly in the cytosol for these processes; preferential incorporation into cholesterol was not observed in...
  18. Benjamin

    what is the main role of an accountant ?

    What is the main role of an accountant? An Accountant helps businesses make critical financial decisions by collecting, tracking, and correcting the company's finances. They are responsible for financial audits, reconciling bank statements, and ensuring financial records are accurate throughout...
  19. Benjamin

    what is smaragdine ?

    What is smaragdine? Definition of 'smaragdine' 1. of or pertaining to emeralds. 2. emerald-green in color.
  20. Benjamin

    what is achromatic disorder ?

    What is achromatic disorder? All individuals with achromatopsia (achromats) have impaired color discrimination along all three axes of color vision corresponding to the three cone classes: the protan or long-wavelength-sensitive cone axis (red), the deutan or middle-wavelength-sensitive cone...