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  1. Stacks-2.0

    is it adviser or advisor in finance ?

    Is it adviser or advisor in finance? “Advisor” and “adviser” are two terms used interchangeably when referring to someone who gives financial advice. While the former is more commonly used, the federal law that established how finance professionals are regulated uses the latter spelling.Sep 25, 2023
  2. Stacks-2.0

    is adenosis cancerous ?

    Is Adenosis cancerous? Adenosis is a benign (non-cancerous) breast condition in which the lobules (milk-producing glands) are enlarged, and there are more glands than usual. Adenosis is often found in biopsy samples of women who have fibrocystic changes in their breasts.Jan 25, 2022
  3. Stacks-2.0

    how many aediles were elected ?

    How many aediles were elected? In B.C. 45, Julius Caesar caused two curule aediles and four plebeian aediles to be elected; and thenceforward, at least so long as the office of aedile was of any importance, six aediles were annually elected.Jan 26, 2020
  4. Stacks-2.0

    how do you pronounce adjutancy ?

    How do you pronounce adjutancy? 0:001:00How To Say Adjutancy - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clip<S> agitan agency agency agency </S> <S> agency agency </S> y </S>.More<S> agitan agency agency agency </S> <S> agency agency </S> y </S>.
  5. Stacks-2.0

    does adhesive mean stick ?

    Does adhesive mean stick? Adhesive comes from the Latin adhaerere, meaning "stick to," which is precisely what something adhesive does — it sticks to things. An adhesive bonds surfaces together.
  6. Stacks-2.0

    can a lithium battery go on an airplane ?

    Can a lithium battery go on an airplane? Spare (uninstalled) lithium ion and lithium metal batteries, including power banks and cell phone battery charging cases, must be carried in carry-on baggage only. With airline approval, passengers may also carry up to two spare larger lithium ion...
  7. Stacks-2.0

    which shoulder special test is 75 accurate ?

    Which shoulder special test is 75% accurate? The accuracy of the tests was the greatest when muscle weakness was interpreted as indicating a tom supraspinatus tendon in both the full can test (75% accurate) and the empty can test (70%) accurate).
  8. Stacks-2.0

    what is the number one cause of acne ?

    What is the number one cause of acne? Adult acne, or post-adolescent acne, is acne that occurs after age 25. For the most part, the same factors that cause acne in adolescents are at play in adult acne. The four factors that directly contribute to acne are: excess oil production, pores becoming...
  9. Stacks-2.0

    what is the full meaning of acquit ?

    What is the full meaning of acquit? a. to free or release (from a charge of crime) b. to pronounce not guilty.
  10. Stacks-2.0

    what is ascetic behavior ?

    What is ascetic behavior? : practicing strict self-denial as a measure of personal and especially spiritual discipline. an ascetic monk. an ascetic diet. 2. : austere in appearance, manner, or attitude.
  11. Stacks-2.0

    what is a macropsia ?

    What is a macropsia? Macropsia is a condition in which visual objects are perceived to be larger than they are objectively sized. Macropsia can be a clinical feature of migraine, stroke, or temporal, parietal, or occipital lobe epilepsy. Macropsia can also be caused by disorders in areas...
  12. Stacks-2.0

    what does an actiwatch track ?

    What does an ActiWatch track? The actiwatch is a device that records motion and light and will provide us with information about your sleep/wake patterns. There is also sensor that can detect when you are wearing the watch. If you take off the watch, it might start beeping to remind you to put...
  13. Stacks-2.0

    what are secodont teeth ?

    What are Secodont teeth? Definition of 'secodont' 1. (of animals) having teeth with sharp cutting edges. noun. 2. an animal whose teeth have sharp cutting edges.
  14. Stacks-2.0

    how rare is erythromelalgia ?

    How rare is erythromelalgia? Erythromelalgia is a rare disorder that was originally described in 1878. The overall age- and sex-adjusted incidence rate per 100,000 people per year in a population-based study in the US was 1.3. Researchers in Norway have estimated an incidence of 0.
  15. Stacks-2.0

    can you eat cotyledon ?

    Can you eat cotyledon? Neurotoxins in Cliff Cotyledon harm children more due to their sensitive physiology. Symptoms like drooling and vomiting are serious; seek immediate medical attention. Prevent ingestion with high shelves, room dividers, and "Do Not Eat" labels.Jun 18, 2024
  16. Stacks-2.0

    where did the term gutchies come from ?

    Where did the term gutchies come from? Gutchies/Gutcheez - Many a young Yinzer has grown up hearing some version of “pull up your pants, I can see your gutchies.” Gutchies, as you may have guessed, are underpants, of any variety. The origin of the word is unknown, but most likely comes from the...
  17. Stacks-2.0

    what is the peroxide effect used for ?

    What is the peroxide effect used for? Hint: Peroxide effect is used in case of alkenes and is also known by the name of the Anti Markovnikov's rule according to which the negative part of the chemical reagent to added to that carbon of the double bond which has the higher number of the hydrogen...
  18. Stacks-2.0

    what is the hebrew word for pentecostal ?

    What is the Hebrew word for Pentecostal? Judaism. Also known as: Ḥag Shavuot, Hag ha-Qazir, Pentecost, Shabuot, Shabuoth, Shavuoth, Yom ha-Bikkurim.Jul 30, 2024
  19. Stacks-2.0

    what is key of achievement ?

    What is key of achievement? The American Academy of Achievement members describe how they applied these six principles to their own lives — passion, vision, preparation, courage, perseverance and integrity — to set them on to their individual paths to success.
  20. Stacks-2.0

    what is acetocarmine used for ?

    What is acetocarmine used for? The stain used for dying the chromosome is acetocarmine. This stain is a DNA-specific stain and is used when the study of different mitotic stages is required. To stain chromosomes first acetocarmine dye is prepared using the carmine. Carmine is a basic dye which...