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  1. Bitcoin-Diamond

    is dusk the same as sunset ?

    Is dusk the same as sunset? “Sunrise” occurs the moment the disc of the sun peeks above the eastern horizon due to the Earth's rotation. “Sunset” is the opposite. It occurs the moment the disc of sun completely disappears below the western horizon. Technically, “dusk” is the period of twilight...
  2. Bitcoin-Diamond

    is adaptability a real word ?

    Is adaptability a real word? adaptability | Intermediate English ability or willingness to change: This car is the perfect mix of comfort, adaptability, and speed.
  3. Bitcoin-Diamond

    how is advertising so effective ?

    How is advertising so effective? Positioning: Effective pieces of advertising often do more than entertain; they help position the brand's benefit to the target consumer and convince them of that benefit. That means being clear on the value the product offers, as well as clarifying why people...
  4. Bitcoin-Diamond

    how do you escape adversity ?

    How do you escape adversity? 9 Ways to Overcome AdversityRelease excuses.New focus.Journaling.Block negativity.Celebrate accomplishments.Positive people.Self-care.Goal setting.More items...•Nov 15, 2022
  5. Bitcoin-Diamond

    do you get real sleep under anesthesia ?

    Do you get real sleep under anesthesia? General anesthesia puts you into a state deeper than sleep. You should feel yourself drift off quickly, within a couple of minutes.
  6. Bitcoin-Diamond

    are fitline products fda approved ?

    Are FitLine products FDA approved? The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.Jan 28, 2021
  7. Bitcoin-Diamond

    what were greek peasants called ?

    What were Greek peasants called? geōmoroi, class of citizens in ancient Greek society. In 7th-century-bce Attic society, geōmoroi were freemen, generally peasant farm holders, lower on the social and political scale than the eupatridae, the aristocracy, but above the dēmiourgoi, the artisans.
  8. Bitcoin-Diamond

    what is the meaning of theomania ?

    What is the meaning of Theomania? : religious madness in which the patient believes that he is the Deity or is inspired. theomaniac.
  9. Bitcoin-Diamond

    what is the difference between agonic and aclinic ?

    What is the difference between agonic and aclinic? Isogonic lines join the points of equal declination, agonic lines pass through points of zero declination, isoclinic lines joins the points of equal dip or inclination, aclinic lines join the places of zero dip and isodynamic lines joins the...
  10. Bitcoin-Diamond

    what is an example of acquirement ?

    What is an example of acquirement? Examples of inquiry in a Sentence She refused to answer inquiries from the media about her marriage. The board ordered an inquiry to determine whether the rules had been followed. Further inquiry showed that he had visited the city twice before. The police are...
  11. Bitcoin-Diamond

    what happens if a human touches a sea anemone ?

    What happens if a human touches a sea anemone? The skin reaction varies by sea anemone species. The venom of some species produces painful urticarial lesions; others induce erythema and edema. Some lesions may eventually blister, and in severe cases, necrosis and ulceration may result. Secondary...
  12. Bitcoin-Diamond

    what does acrimonious divorce mean ?

    What does acrimonious divorce mean? An acrimonious divorce is one where there is bitterness. An acrimonious divorce usually occurs where one spouse has treated the other spouse so badly that reconciliation is not possible at all. Such a divorce is often a non-amicable divorce and can turn out to...
  13. Bitcoin-Diamond

    is type 1 acromion serious ?

    Is type 1 acromion serious? The type I acromion, which is flat, is the “normal” acromion. The type II acromion is more curved and downward dipping, and the type III acromion is hooked and downward dipping, obstructing the outlet for the supraspinatus tendon.Feb 15, 1998
  14. Bitcoin-Diamond

    how does cloud access work ?

    How does cloud Access work? Basically, your data is hosted on physical servers by these companies, and you get to access them through the internet by using any device. So, you can see that cloud storage providers aren't the only companies that make use of data access tools to provide services to...
  15. Bitcoin-Diamond

    are sunflowers actinomorphic ?

    Are sunflowers Actinomorphic? flower structure , sunflowers, Helianthus annuus), for instance, the outer (or ray) flowers have a well-developed zygomorphic corolla, and the inner (disk) flowers have a small actinomorphic corolla. The inner disk flowers generally are complete flowers, and the ray...
  16. Bitcoin-Diamond

    what species made acheulean ?

    What species made Acheulean? Acheulean handaxes are thought to have been produced by two extinct hominin species, Homo erectus and Homo heidelbergensis. Fossils assigned to H. erectus have been recovered from sites in East Africa, South Africa, North Africa, the Caucasus, Southeast Asia, and...
  17. Bitcoin-Diamond

    what is the most serious crime called ?

    What is the most serious crime called? Felonies are the most serious crimes. They are either supported by a heinous intent, like the intent to kill, or accompanied by an extremely serious result, such as loss of life, grievous injury, or destruction of property. Felonies are serious, so they are...
  18. Bitcoin-Diamond

    what is the drug acetanilide used for ?

    What is the drug Acetanilide used for? acetanilide, synthetic organic compound introduced in therapy in 1886 as a fever-reducing drug. Its effectiveness in relieving pain was discovered soon thereafter, and it was used as an alternative to aspirin for many years in treating such common...
  19. Bitcoin-Diamond

    what is cilia in simple words ?

    What is cilia in simple words? plural cilia ˈsi-lē-ə 1. : a minute short hairlike process often forming part of a fringe. especially : one on a cell that is capable of lashing movement and serves especially in free unicellular organisms to produce locomotion or in higher forms a current of fluid.
  20. Bitcoin-Diamond

    what is accrescent ?

    What is accrescent? accrescent in American English 1. increasing; enlarging, expanding, or enriching. 2. growing, as floral parts that increase in size after flowering has occurred.