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    is rumohra adiantiformis evergreen ?

    Is rumohra adiantiformis evergreen? Rumohra adiantiformis, commonly called leather fern or leatherleaf fern, is an evergreen fern with a wide native range spanning from southern Africa and Australia to central South America and the Caribbean.
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    is advanced better than gifted ?

    Is advanced better than gifted? Gifted learners are those students whose ability and achievement scores fall in the 90th to 99th percentile range on nationally normed tests, while advanced learners are those whose ability and achievement scores fall in the 80th to 89th percentile range.
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    how to get out of addiction ?

    How to get out of addiction? Instead of giving in to an urge to use, come up with alternative activities, such as going for a walk or calling a friend or family member to talk, so that you keep busy until the urge passes. Be prepared to deal with things that trigger your cravings, such as being...
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    how do you treat bacterial adenitis ?

    How do you treat bacterial adenitis? Treatment may include:Antibiotics, antivirals, or antifungals given by mouth, IV, or injection. Which of these you get depends on the type of germ causing the infection.Medicine to control pain and fever.Medicine to reduce swelling.Surgery to drain a lymph...
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    does turning 18 make you an adult ?

    Does turning 18 make you an adult? 18 Means Reaching the Age of Majority In most states, 18 years old is considered the age of majority when your teen is considered an adult. If you are not pursuing guardianship, your teen needs to give permission for you as parents to participate in meetings...
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    can you do adoration at home ?

    Can you do adoration at home? Adoration at home is designed to help us imagine ourselves praying before the Blessed Sacrament in a church or chapel. If you have a picture of Jesus in your house, or a crucifix or statue of the Sacred Heart, as you read these reflections from the Saints, you might...
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    why is homeopathy banned in germany ?

    Why is homeopathy banned in Germany? In the 1930s, the Nazi regime banned homeopathy and other alternative medicine practices, claiming they were "unscientific" and promoting only conventional medicine. After World War II, homeopathy was allowed again and has been widely practiced in Germany...
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    what is the meaning of acquiescently ?

    What is the meaning of acquiescently? : tending to accept or allow what others want or demand : inclined to acquiesce. a politician accused of being too acquiescent to the demands of special interests. acquiescently adverb.
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    what is the acinus in the human body ?

    What is the acinus in the human body? This is the functional unit of the lung, where gas transfer takes place. It consists of the respiratory bronchiole and associated alveolar ducts and sacs supplied by one terminal bronchiole. There are approximately 25 000 acini in the normal adult male lung.
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    what is acrania ?

    What is acrania? Acrania is a rare congenital disorder that occurs in the human fetus in which the flat bones in the cranial vault are either completely or partially absent.
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    what does its stand for in education ?

    What does its stand for in education? An intelligent tutoring system (ITS) is a computer system that aims to provide immediate and customized instruction or feedback to learners, usually without requiring intervention from a human teacher.
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    what causes acrodermatitis continua ?

    What causes acrodermatitis continua? Acrodermatitis continua of Hallopeau is often triggered by localised trauma or infection at the distal phalanx (the tip of the digit). 80% begin in only one digit, most commonly the thumb. During acute flare-ups, the skin of the distal phalanx becomes red and...
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    does paresthesia mean you have ms ?

    Does paresthesia mean you have MS? Paresthesia is an abnormal skin sensation such as tingling, tickling, prickling, itching, numbness, or burning. In people with MS, nerve damage causes these sensations to occur randomly, most often in the hands, arms, legs, or feet – but occasionally in places...
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    who would gain land by accretion ?

    Who would gain land by accretion? We first learned that accretion is the slow, imperceptible deposit of soil onto a bank or shoreline by water. Land that is added by accretion is generally recognized to be owned by the person that owns the original bank or shore.
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    what is the synonym for achievement ?

    What is the synonym for achievement? accomplishment, attainment, creation, deed, effort, feat, performance, realization, success, triumph, victory.
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    what is the meaning of achondroplastic ?

    What is the meaning of Achondroplastic? THE TERM "chondrodysplasia" is used to denote a condition characterized by faulty development of cartilage and growth of bone in the ossification centers of bones of nonmembranous origin, while the periosteal formation of bone takes place at a normal or a...
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    what is the basic technique to study pollen ?

    What is the basic technique to study pollen? Microscopy Light microscopy is one of the most important techniques for examining pollen quality since it allows clear observation of pollen morphology.
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    what is an acerbic female ?

    What is an acerbic female? acer·bic ə-ˈsər-bik. a- Synonyms of acerbic. : sharply or bitingly critical, sarcastic, or ironic in temper, mood, or tone.
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    what is a caste surname ?

    What is a caste surname? The caste system is a form of social stratification where, historically, Hindu Indians were grouped by their occupation within society. When these people adopted surnames, they turned to the caste system as a means to obtain a family name, thereby adopting names related...
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    what does efferent mean ?

    What does "efferent" mean? efferent. / ĕf′ər-ənt / Carrying motor impulses away from a central organ or part, as a nerve that conducts impulses from the central nervous system to the periphery of the body. Compare afferent.