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  1. Thomas

    is squamous benign or malignant ?

    Is squamous benign or malignant? Squamous cell cancer involves cancerous changes to the cells of the middle portion of the epidermal skin layer. It is a malignant tumor, and is more aggressive than basal cell cancer, but still may be relatively slow-growing.
  2. Thomas

    is adventure a good thing ?

    Is adventure a good thing? Adventure can be big or small, local or in far away wild places. Adventure, as John Muir says, is really also about going in. Adventure is a great way to strengthen meaningful relationships. Adventure in wild places is important for the well-being of young people and...
  3. Thomas

    how to handle divisive people in the church ?

    How to handle divisive people in the church? Calling out divisive people is biblical (Titus 3:9-10; Romans 16:17, etc.). And so is having nothing more to do with them. The church is too messy and the world too lost to be playing around with divisive people. Warn them, mark them, and avoid them.
  4. Thomas

    how do you use actuation in a sentence ?

    How do you use actuation in a sentence? A button located on the lightpole allows for pedestrian actuation of the flashing yellow lights. The bottom handles must be either removed or redesigned to prevent unintended actuation in case of an accident.
  5. Thomas

    how aggressive is adenosarcoma ?

    How aggressive is adenosarcoma? Müllerian adenosarcoma with sarcomatous overgrowth is a very aggressive form of adenosarcoma that is characterized by post-operative recurrence and metastases even when diagnosed at an early stage.
  6. Thomas

    can you gain weight with low cortisol ?

    Can you gain weight with low cortisol? This is why some people with depression, particularly those with a long history of depression, have low rather than high cortisol. Low cortisol causes fatigue and weight gain. This is more common in women and we found this was linked to leptin, a satiety...
  7. Thomas

    why is psalm 119 so special ?

    Why is Psalm 119 so special? In these one hundred seventy-six verses, all but five verse reference the Word of God. In this psalm the writer expresses his appreciation for the goodness, mercies, severity, faithfulness, righteousness, and character of God, and in so doing stands in awe of the...
  8. Thomas

    what is the smallest tribe in the world ?

    What is the smallest tribe in the world? The Toto people are one of the world's smallest indigenous ethnic groups, living in a village of Totopara on India's border with Bhutan.
  9. Thomas

    what is the meaning of acroamatics ?

    What is the meaning of acroamatics? : told orally to chosen disciples only : esoteric.
  10. Thomas

    what is the acousmatic voice ?

    What is the acousmatic voice? Acousmatic sound is sound one hears without seeing their originating cause - a invisible sound source. Radio, phonograph and telephone, all which transmit sounds without showing their emitter are acousmatic media.
  11. Thomas

    what is acrimonious relationship ?

    What is acrimonious relationship? Answer and Explanation: The word 'acrimonious' is an adjective. It means bitter or very critical. A relationship that is acrimonious would be one in which the people did not get along well at all. They would be very nasty with each other and very critical of the...
  12. Thomas

    what does mafo mean in slang ?

    What does Mafo mean in slang? The word Mafo is a Nigerian yoruba word that means “Don't break”. It is used as a slang by people. The slang meaning is “Don't shiver or be intimidated...Aug 9, 2020
  13. Thomas

    what causes condyle ?

    What causes condyle? Systemic connective tissue or autoimmune diseases that can cause condylar resorption include rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus, Sjögren syndrome, ankylosing spondylitis, and others. ICR is a specific disease entity different...
  14. Thomas

    is acrylic plastic breakable ?

    Is acrylic plastic breakable? Out of all these properties, the most commonly cited advantage of acrylic is its durability. Despite its lower price point, it is 10 times more impact resistant than glass. In the unlikely event that acrylic plastic does break, it will fracture into dull-edged...
  15. Thomas

    why are accountants paid so high ?

    Why are accountants paid so high? As the world's fifth largest economy, California needs financial talent to support major companies in technology, healthcare, finance, and more. Key factors impacting accountant salaries in California include: Location - Major metro areas like San Francisco and...
  16. Thomas

    what is the synonym of ache ?

    What is the synonym of ache? ache (noun as in sore feeling; dull pain) Strongest matches. anguish misery pang soreness spasm twinge.
  17. Thomas

    what is the meaning of acidemia ?

    What is the meaning of acidemia? Definitions of acidemia. noun. a blood disorder characterized by an increased concentration of hydrogen ions in the blood (which falls below 7 on the pH scale)
  18. Thomas

    what is the best time to take proteolytic enzymes ?

    What is the best time to take proteolytic enzymes? For digestive purposes, it is best to take proteolytic enzymes about 15 to 20 minutes before you eat or as directed by your healthcare provider.Jul 18, 2024
  19. Thomas

    what is an achromat objective ?

    What is an achromat objective? Standard Achromatic Objectives An achromatic (or achromat) objective is designed to limit the effects of chromatic & spherical aberration, in other words the incoming light rays are focused in the focal point. Achromatic lenses corrects for color, by bringing in...
  20. Thomas

    what is a distorted drawing of a person often meant to be ridiculous ?

    What is a distorted drawing of a person often meant to be ridiculous? Caricature is the distorted presentation of a person, type, or action. Commonly, a salient feature or characteristic of the subject is seized upon and exaggerated, or features of animals, birds, or vegetables are substituted...