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  1. Troy

    is it an advisor or adviser ?

    Is it an advisor or adviser? There is no difference between adviser and advisor besides spelling, and both are acceptable for someone who gives advice. Some people, though, feel that advisor is more formal. Advisor tends to be used for people having an official position—for example, an advisor...
  2. Troy

    is adhara an indian name ?

    Is Adhara an Indian name? Adhara is a feminine name of Arabic origin derived from the word adhara, meaning 'maidens' or 'virgins. ' The name also means 'barb' when translated from Arabic script. In Sanskrit, the name is associated with the word Adhiṣṭhāna, which means 'base' or 'platform. 'May...
  3. Troy

    how many languages is considered multilingual ?

    How many languages is considered multilingual? In recent times, the definition of bilingualism has evolved to include individuals who use two languages or dialects in their everyday lives. Whereas multilingualism refers to people who use three or more languages or dialects in everyday life.Jul...
  4. Troy

    how do you pronounce aeacus ?

    How do you pronounce aeacus? 0:160:39Julien MiquelYouTube·Feb 27, 2022How to Pronounce AeacusYouTube·Julien Miquel·Feb 27, 2022YouTubeIn this video"...EAS or AAS AAS or EAS. And now you know it's easy like And subscribe if you found this video useful like it at least it helps me a lot thanks for...
  5. Troy

    does adjudicator mean judge ?

    Does adjudicator mean judge? An adjudicator is someone who presides, judges, and arbitrates during a formal dispute or competition. They have numerous purposes, including preliminary legal judgments, to determine applicant eligibility, or to assess contenders' performance in competitions.
  6. Troy

    can a woman survive eclampsia ?

    Can a woman survive eclampsia? While most women make a full recovery after having eclampsia, there's a small risk of permanent disability or brain damage if the fits are severe. A medicine called magnesium sulfate can halve the risk of eclampsia and reduce the risk of the mother dying.
  7. Troy

    who died by aconite ?

    Who died by aconite? The sorceress Medea contrived to have king Aegeus unwittingly kill his own son, the hero Theseus, by offering him a cup poisoned with aconite (VII. 404ff). The herb, he says, came from the slavering mouth of Cerberus, the three-headed dog that guarded the gates to Hades.
  8. Troy

    what is the opposite of acquittance ?

    What is the opposite of acquittance? Opposite of knowledge or experience of something. unfamiliarity. disagreement. misunderstanding. enmity.
  9. Troy

    what is the function of actinin 3 ?

    What is the function of actinin 3? Interestingly, α-actinin-3 is expressed only in fast muscle fibers (all fast-glycolytic type 2b fibers and 50% of fast oxidative type 2a fibers),2 suggesting a specific function for powerful and fast muscle contractions.
  10. Troy

    what is bushman s poison plant used for ?

    What is Bushman's poison plant used for? Yet interestingly the plant has also been used by indigenous peoples for the treatment of headaches, abdominal pains, toothache, anthrax and tapeworm, and perhaps working on the principle that it takes a poison to cure a poison, for the treatment of...
  11. Troy

    what is a percreta ?

    What is a Percreta? Placenta Percreta: A condition where placenta attaches itself and grows through the uterus and potentially to the nearby organs. Placenta Previa: A condition of pregnancy where the placenta sits low in the uterus, usually over the cervix.
  12. Troy

    what does ascetic mean in slang ?

    What does ascetic mean in slang? An ascetic person has a way of life that is simple and strict, usually because of their religious beliefs. Synonyms: self-denying, severe, plain, harsh More Synonyms of ascetic.
  13. Troy

    what are the 3 uses of acrolein ?

    What are the 3 uses of acrolein? Uses of Acrolein It is used in irrigation canals to inhibit plant and algae growth, as well as in oil wells to kill bacteria. Plastics and acrylic acid. Colloidal metals. Water-cooling and water treatment solutions.
  14. Troy

    how to fix placenta accreta ?

    How to fix placenta accreta? In the case of extensive placenta accreta, a C-section followed by the surgical removal of the uterus (hysterectomy) might be necessary. This procedure, also called a cesarean hysterectomy, helps prevent the potentially life-threatening blood loss that can occur if...
  15. Troy

    can you predict placenta accreta ?

    Can you predict placenta accreta? Although ultrasound evaluation is important, the absence of ultrasound findings does not preclude a diagnosis of placenta accreta spectrum; thus, clinical risk factors remain equally important as predictors of placenta accreta spectrum by ultrasound findings.
  16. Troy

    where has the world s oldest acheulian been recovered ?

    Where has the world's oldest Acheulian been recovered? The 1.
  17. Troy

    what is the power of ascendency ?

    What is the power of ascendency? Meaning of ascendancy in English. a position of power, strength, or success: They are in danger of losing their political ascendancy (= controlling power). Supporters of the proposal are currently in the ascendancy over its opponents (= are more powerful than...
  18. Troy

    what is the key difference between oldowan and acheulean tools ?

    What is the key difference between Oldowan and Acheulean tools? The Acheulean tools are more complex than the Oldowan tools in that the core was prepared before flaking took place and tools were produced that had bifacial cutting edges. Bifacial tools are flaked on both sides so that they are...
  19. Troy

    what is meant by accountability ?

    What is meant by accountability? : the quality or state of being accountable. especially : an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one's actions. public officials lacking accountability.
  20. Troy

    what is acetophenone used for ?

    What is acetophenone used for? Acetophenone is used for fragrance in soaps and perfumes, as a flavoring agent in foods, and as a solvent for plastics and resins. Acute (short-term) exposure to acetophenone vapor may produce skin irritation and transient corneal injury in humans.